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发布时间:2018-11-16 19:31
[Abstract]:Although extorting confessions by torture evolved from "legality" in feudal society to "illegal" in present society, it is still difficult to eradicate it in today's society. Extorting confessions by torture not only seriously infringes the human rights of criminal suspects and defendants, And caused a large number of false cases, affecting judicial authority. The 18th National Congress of the Party focuses on governing the country according to law and bringing the rule of law into the major issue of the country. Therefore, under the guidance of the theory of governing the country according to law, in order to reduce the occurrence of miscarriage of justice, the problem of extorting confessions by torture must be completely abandoned in judicial practice so that the basic human rights of criminal suspects can be guaranteed. The existence of public power is a double-edged sword. The rational use of public power in the field of criminal procedure can protect the basic human rights of criminal suspects. Based on the current judicial situation in China, the author will discuss the causes and preventive measures of extorting confessions by torture from the following three aspects. First of all, through the comparative analysis of different scholars about the definition of extorting confessions by torture, this paper expounds the concept and characteristics of extorting confessions by torture, generalizes the present situation of extorting confessions by torture, and analyzes the harm caused by extorting confessions by torture in combination with hot and wrong cases. Secondly, the reasons of extorting confessions by torture are expounded, and the causes of extorting confessions by torture are analyzed from four aspects: the influence of traditional concepts, the imperfection of litigation system, the defects in the field of legislation, and many problems in the field of judicature. From the analysis of the harm and causes of extorting confessions by torture, it can be seen that stopping the extortion by torture will be a long-term and arduous task, and it is necessary to adopt the means of comprehensive treatment. Finally, some countermeasures are put forward, including the establishment of socialist concept of the rule of law, the further improvement of the criminal procedure system, the improvement of relevant legislation to curb torture, and the creation of a good judicial environment.


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