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发布时间:2018-11-19 21:27
[Abstract]:The development of network technology and the popularization of computers have set off a profound revolution in the judicial field. Compared with the traditional media, network public opinion plays an increasingly important role in judicial activities. On the one hand, network public opinion has played an active role in promoting judicial justice and perfection of legal system, establishing judicial authority and improving citizens' legal literacy, but on the other hand, network public opinion has also violated the principle of judicial independence. The principle of judge's free proof, the presumption of innocence in criminal law and the rights of litigant participants. The reason is that the conflict between the public's sense of justice and legal justice, the lack of due process causes the conflict between different social strata, as well as the uncertainty and lag of legal norms. It is the main source of contradiction between network public opinion and judicial activities. Throughout the current judicial situation, from "Sun Zhigang's case", "deceiving real code" to "my father is Li Gang", there is also a practical necessity for network public opinion to influence judicial activities. It is an extension of citizens' basic rights and the need for open trial. It is the need to restrict judicial right and realize social justice, and also the need of media duty and judicial reality. Therefore, we should seek ways to promote the positive interaction between network public opinion and judicial activities. In the judicial aspect, we should strengthen the legislative regulation of network public opinion as soon as possible. The relevant judicial organs should establish a response mechanism for major cases, and judges should start from themselves. Improve their own overall quality, establish the authority of the judiciary; At the same time, the media should strengthen the self-discipline of the industry, contain the false news, and make the network public opinion and judicial activities achieve the best benefit balance point in the conflict and coordination.


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