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发布时间:2018-11-20 08:42
[Abstract]:Forestry administrative punishment is an important part of our country's administrative punishment system, which plays an irreplaceable role in protecting forest resources, punishing forestry illegal behavior, standardizing forestry law enforcement and promoting administration by law. In recent years, China has issued a series of regulations on forestry administrative penalties, including the Forestry Law, the Administrative punishment Law, and other administrative laws and regulations, the Forestry Law implementation regulations, the Forestry Administrative penalty procedure provisions, etc. Measures for the Supervision of Forestry Administrative Law Enforcement, rules for hearing Forestry Administrative penalties, and other departmental regulations. Administrative litigation is a lawsuit brought by citizens, legal persons and other organizations who believe that the specific administrative acts of administrative subjects violate their legitimate rights and interests. Its characteristics are that it can directly reflect the contradictions and disputes between administrative counterparts and administrative organs. To some extent, it reflects the problems existing in specific administrative acts. Through the statistical analysis of administrative litigation cases of illegal logging administrative punishment, the author finds that the problems around the subject of administrative punishment, jurisdiction and division of labor, punishment procedure and punishment basis are relatively concentrated. This article takes the administrative lawsuit case of illegal logging administrative penalty as the research object, taking the legal theory and the legislative analysis as the main line to carry on the normative analysis; Then according to the sample case, the paper makes a statistical analysis on the present situation of the forestry administrative organ in the aspects of punishment subject, jurisdiction and division of labor, punishment procedure and punishment basis, carries on the descriptive analysis to the sample data, and carries on the thorough discussion to the typical case. In order to sort out the problems existing in illegal logging administrative punishment in our country, and draw lessons from foreign forestry administrative management system to standardize illegal logging administrative punishment in our country put forward some perfect suggestions. The result of the case study shows that the administrative punishment of illegal logging in our country has the following problems in reality: the relevant legislative provisions are general and not specific, and the provisions on the subject's jurisdiction and the way of jurisdiction dispute settlement are lack of operability; The provisions on the evidence of the investigation procedure are not specific, the scope of the hearing procedure is unreasonable, the provisions on the record of the hearing are not detailed, and there is no effective punitive liability provision for the staff member to violate the procedure of administrative punishment; There is a lack of comprehensive supervision system of administrative punishment, imperfection of accountability system and training system for administrative staff, and lack of corresponding information exchange mechanism and penalty benchmark system. According to the results, some suggestions are put forward: to coordinate and refine the relevant provisions on the subject and procedure, to introduce the administrative discretion benchmark system, to perfect the administrative supervision system, to strengthen the quality training of administrative personnel, and to establish the mechanism of case information exchange. Standardize procedures related to administrative penalties.


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