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发布时间:2018-11-25 17:03
[Abstract]:The cognizance of road traffic accident includes the basic facts of road traffic accident, the cause of formation and the responsibility of the party concerned, and it must be served to the party concerned. Based on the result of road traffic accident identification including the division of the responsibility of the parties, it will have a direct impact on the parties to bear civil, administrative and even criminal responsibility or not and the size of the responsibility. But under the existing legal system frame, does not support the road traffic accident confirmation may be brought the administrative lawsuit, and the party only has one kind of relief way, namely can only apply to the superior public security organ to review. The design of this system obviously weakens the supervision over the exercise of power by the public security organs, and to a certain extent does not conform to the administrative principle of "unification of power and responsibility," thus making the confirmation document of road traffic accidents authentic. Objectivity and accuracy are handed over to the traffic police for their personal on-the-spot investigation ability and professional ethics. This leaves room for power rent-seeking, which can easily breed corruption, and it is very difficult to protect the legitimate rights and interests of citizens and protect human rights. Obviously, it does not accord with the rule of law in modern society. Based on the analysis of two cases, this paper concludes the core problems, that is, from the perspective of administrative behavior, what is the nature of road traffic accident identification? Can Road Traffic Accidents be identified into the scope of Administrative Litigation? How does the administrative lawsuit examine the road traffic accident cognizance? In view of these core problems, combined with the case analysis and demonstration. By analyzing the legal characteristics of the identification of road traffic accidents and evidence, the legal characteristics of appraisal opinions and the legal characteristics of administrative acts, the identification of road traffic accidents is obviously an administrative act and should be regarded as an administrative confirmation act. The revised Administrative Litigation Law has expanded the scope of accepting cases in administrative litigation, and the legislative purpose has changed from the maintenance of order to the protection of rights and interests, paying more attention to the overall protection of legitimate interests and the power supervision and restriction of "unity of power and responsibility". This not only provides the system possibility for the road traffic accident cognizance to sue, but also puts forward the new request under the new social governance mode, namely the court should carry on the legality examination to the case that does not accept the road traffic accident confirmation to initiate the administrative lawsuit.


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