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发布时间:2018-11-25 19:00
[Abstract]:In recent years, the crime of mental patients has become a hot topic in news reports. Naturally, the discussion of the right of action of mental patients in criminal proceedings, the treatment after not being criminally responsible, and the forensic psychiatric examination have naturally become the hot spots in the legal problems. In this article, the author discusses the legal regulations and procedures related to mental patients who are not criminally responsible at home and abroad, focusing on the initiation of forensic psychiatric identification and legal aid in criminal proceedings involving mental patients in our country. Legal agent, temporary protection and restraint measures and other procedural issues are analyzed and studied. It is hoped that the author's research will contribute to the future revision of the criminal procedure law concerning the protection of special procedures for mental patients. In the first part of this paper, the author mainly studies the concept of mental patients who are not criminally responsible, the concept of criminal procedure protection, the legal basis and the principle of protection. In the second part of this paper, the author discusses the relevant laws and regulations on the protection of the rights of mental patients abroad, and studies the relevant laws and regulations of foreign countries. It can provide reference for the study of the legal provisions of the protection of the rights of the mental patients who are not criminally responsible in our country. The third part of this paper focuses on the legal issues of forensic psychiatric identification, legal aid, legal representation, temporary protection and restraint measures, funding sources and other related legal issues in China. The fourth part of the article, mainly aimed at the above-mentioned questions, targeted to improve it. In view of the author's personal ability and the limited length of the article, this paper only studies the procedural protection of mental patients who are not criminally responsible, and does not touch other participants in the proceedings of mental patients who are suffering from mental illness. This is because the crime of mental patients themselves is a matter of comprehensive management by various departments of society. In criminal proceedings in the legal field, the rights of mental patients who are not criminally responsible are protected in criminal proceedings. It is an unavoidable problem in criminal practice and theory.


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