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发布时间:2018-11-28 21:13
【摘要】:本文以民事诉讼法关于鉴定意见的修订为契机,结合司法实践,针对我国鉴定意见存在的问题,提出了我国鉴定意见适用的完善建议。 全文分为四部分: 第一部分,是鉴定意见基本理论问题研究。第一,主要是鉴定意见基本理论的概述。首先,介绍了鉴定意见的概念。所谓鉴定意见,是指当遇到一般人凭借生活常识无法解决的专门性问题时,当事人及其代理人将这个专门性问题委托给具有专业知识和能力的专业人员,利用专业知识对专门性问题进行认定的特殊认识过程中所形成的意见。其次,提炼出了鉴定意见事实认定的证据性、科学性、可替代性和主观性四大特点。第二,具体描述了鉴定意见的历史沿革,关于鉴定意见的历史沿革则分为两个阶段,首先是,孕育与分娩阶段,此部分详细描述了鉴定意见与证人证言的区别;其次是成长与发展阶段,此部分详细描述了鉴定意见与勘验笔录的区分。第三,阐述了鉴定意见适用的法理基础:首先,指出鉴定意见是法官自由心证的理论前提;其次,指出鉴定意见是保障当事人完成举证责任的重要方式。 第二部分,是比较法视角下的鉴定意见适用。第一是大陆法系的鉴定意见适用;第二是英美法系的鉴定意见适用。全章以法系为基础,将研究的视野界定为英美法系和大陆法系两个部分,并分别选择了两大法系中具有代表性意义的国家的相关制度进行介绍,通过细致的介绍与分析,总结出具有普适性的规则,以期对我国鉴定意见的适用提供一定的参考。 第三部分,是我国鉴定意见适用的研判。本部分分为两个块,第一是我国民事诉讼适用鉴定意见的现状。首先是法律法规关于鉴定意见适用的规定;其次是2012年民事诉讼法对鉴定意见的修改及意义;第二是我国民事诉讼鉴定意见适用中存在的问题:鉴定意见的启动设置不当;未规定鉴定意见的补充证据形式;未明确鉴定意见与专家辅助人意见冲突时的认定;鉴定人权利保障的阙如。 第四部分,是我国鉴定意见适用的完善。本部分主要针对前三章的论述,提出了我国目前民事诉讼鉴定意见适用中存在问题的针对性建议:分别是构建鉴定意见的二元启动主体;增加鉴定人陈述为鉴定意见的补充形式;协调鉴定人与专家辅助人意见冲突时的法律效力;建立针对鉴定机构的完善管理规范及鉴定人权利保护制度。
[Abstract]:Based on the revision of the appraisal opinion of the Civil procedure Law and the judicial practice, this paper puts forward some perfect suggestions for the application of the appraisal opinion in our country in view of the problems existing in the appraisal opinion in our country. The full text is divided into four parts: the first part, is the appraisal opinion basic theory question research. First, it is the summary of the basic theory of appraisal opinion. First, the concept of appraisal opinion is introduced. The so-called appraisal opinion means that when confronted with a specialized problem that ordinary people cannot solve by virtue of common sense of life, the parties concerned and their agents entrust this specialized problem to professionals with professional knowledge and ability. The opinions formed in the process of using professional knowledge to identify specialized problems. Secondly, the paper abstracts the four characteristics of evidence, science, substitutability and subjectivity. Secondly, it describes the historical evolution of the appraisal opinion, and the historical evolution of the appraisal opinion is divided into two stages: first, the stage of gestation and childbirth, this part describes in detail the difference between the appraisal opinion and the testimony of the witness; Secondly, the stage of growth and development. This part describes the distinction between the appraisal opinion and the record in detail. Thirdly, it expounds the legal basis of the application of the appraisal opinion: firstly, it points out that the appraisal opinion is the theoretical premise for the judge to give evidence freely; secondly, it points out that the appraisal opinion is an important way to ensure the parties to fulfill the burden of proof. The second part is the application of appraisal opinions from the perspective of comparative law. The first is the application of the appraisal opinion in the civil law system, and the second is the application of the appraisal opinion in the common law system. Based on the legal system, the whole chapter defines the field of study as two parts of Anglo-American law system and civil law system, and introduces the relevant systems of the representative countries in the two legal systems, through detailed introduction and analysis. The general rules are summarized in order to provide some reference for the application of appraisal opinions in our country. The third part is the study of the application of appraisal opinions in China. This part is divided into two blocks, the first is the status quo of the application of appraisal opinions in civil proceedings in China. The first is the provisions of laws and regulations on the application of appraisal opinions; the second is the revision and significance of the appraising opinions in 2012 civil procedure law; the second is the problems existing in the application of appraisal opinions in civil litigation in China: improper setting up of the initiation of appraisal opinions; The form of supplementary evidence is not stipulated; the identification of the conflict between expert's opinion and expert's opinion is not clear; the lack of protection of expert's right. The fourth part, is our country appraisal opinion application consummation. This part mainly aims at the discussion of the first three chapters, and puts forward some specific suggestions on the problems existing in the application of the appraisal opinion of civil litigation in our country at present: they are the dual starting subject of the construction of the appraisal opinion; Add the expert statement as the supplementary form of appraisal opinion; coordinate the legal effect when the expert and expert assistant opinion conflict; establish the perfect management standard and the expert right protection system for the appraisal organization.


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