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发布时间:2018-12-05 22:46
[Abstract]:The Criminal procedure Law of our country has added a special chapter on compulsory medical procedures for mental patients who are not criminally responsible according to law, thus realizing the judicial and legalization of compulsory medical procedures for mental patients. Better protection of the right to litigation of mental patients and the legitimate interests of the people. In the application of compulsory medical procedures for mental patients who do not have criminal responsibility according to law, the Criminal procedure Law of the people's Republic of China embodies the policy of individual judicial and social rehabilitation under the thought of national parental power. Also with our country's current criminal legislation with leniency and severe stand. As an important participant in the compulsory medical criminal procedure, the procuratorial organ will encounter many difficulties and problems in the process of supervising the compulsory medical procedure. Procuratorial organs should abide by the three principles of respecting and guaranteeing human rights, unifying power and duty, combining supervision with work, and strengthening the construction of safeguard mechanism on the basis of continuously perfecting the legislation of legal supervision. So as to promote the good implementation of compulsory medical procedures. This paper discusses the rules of compulsory medical procedure and the principle of running procuratorial power in compulsory medical procedure, judicial application, deficiency and perfection. The concept, characteristics and nature of compulsory medical procedure is the starting point of this study, through tracing back to the legal origin of compulsory medical procedure, deepen the understanding of compulsory medical procedure; By comparing the legal system of compulsory medical procedure between China and the countries of the extraterritorial common law system and the civil law system, the author summarizes the characteristics of the compulsory medical procedure and the extraterritorial compulsory medical procedure in our country. This paper further analyzes the problems existing in the application of procuratorial power in compulsory medical procedures, and puts forward some suggestions for perfection. This paper focuses on the problems existing in the operation of the procuratorial power in the compulsory medical procedure and the place where it needs to be perfected, from whether the setting of the compulsory medical procedure is reasonable, from the subject of the compulsory medical procedure, from the executive organ, and from the executive measures. This paper analyzes the current situation and rationality of legislation in the aspects of executive supervision and legal relief, and studies the application of procuratorial power in compulsory medical procedures. In the last part, the author analyzes the necessity and feasibility of compulsory medical procedure from the aspects of the subject of compulsory medical procedure, the main body of procuratorial supervision power, the procedural problems and the guarantee mechanism, and probes into the consummation of compulsory medical procedure in our country.


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