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发布时间:2018-12-10 23:56
【摘要】:刑事和解,又称被害人1与加害人2的和解(victim-offenderreconciliation,,简称VOR),是指在刑事诉讼过程中,在调停人或其他组织的组织下,被害人和加害人在平等、自愿的基础上,直接沟通、共同协商,就加害行为的危害后果达成处理协议,据此司法机关对加害人减轻或免除刑事处罚的一种制度。它一改传统刑事司法国家本位主义、重刑苛典强调用刑罚来惩治犯罪、矫正预防犯罪的理念,注重对被害人权益的保护、经济和精神上的弥补,注重对破坏的社会关系的修复,注重对加害人的人道矫正和改造,能较好的平衡国家社会、加害人和被害人三方利益,弥补传统刑事司法的不足。 在恢复性司法在全球范围内强劲兴起的国际环境下,大力推进建设和谐社会和贯彻落实宽严相济刑事政策的背景下,我国许多地方开始了刑事和解的实践探索。2012年,新刑诉法从国家立法层面对刑事和解予以确认,但相对西方国家三十多年的成功经验,中国刑事和解还有很多理论和实践问题有待完善,本文就从理论和实践两方面分析中国刑事和解所存在的冲突和挑战,进而在此基础上寻求解决的方案。 在本文中,笔者首先分析了刑事和解在我国施行的必要性和可行性,其次,讨论了刑事和解与刑法相关理论表面上的冲突,论证了刑事和解内在实质与刑法理论原意的和谐。再次,阐述了新刑诉法明确刑事和解后,刑事和解实践与立法现状的不统一以及其他刑事和解实践中的困境,最后,从立法和配套机制方面对刑事和解制度提出了一些完善建议。
[Abstract]:Criminal reconciliation, also known as the reconciliation between victim 1 and perpetrator 2 (victim-offenderreconciliation, for short VOR), refers to the direct communication between the victim and the perpetrator on the basis of equality, willingness and direct communication in the course of criminal proceedings, under the organization of the mediator or other organization. Through joint consultation, we reach an agreement to deal with the harmful consequences of the injurious act, according to which the judicial organ mitigates or exempts the offender from criminal punishment. It has changed the traditional state orientation of the criminal justice system. The severe punishment emphasizes the punishment of crimes, corrects the concept of crime prevention, pays attention to the protection of the rights and interests of the victims, makes up for the economic and spiritual problems, and pays attention to the repair of the damaged social relations. Paying attention to the humane correction and reform of the victimizer can balance the national society, harm the interests of the victim and the victim, and make up for the shortcomings of the traditional criminal justice. In the context of the strong rise of restorative justice in the global international environment, vigorously promoting the construction of a harmonious society and carrying out the criminal policy of combining leniency and severe punishment, many places in China began to explore the practice of criminal reconciliation. The new Criminal procedure Law confirms the criminal reconciliation from the level of national legislation. However, compared with the successful experience of more than 30 years in western countries, there are still many theoretical and practical problems to be perfected in China's criminal reconciliation. This paper analyzes the conflicts and challenges in China's criminal reconciliation from both theoretical and practical aspects, and then seeks solutions on this basis. In this paper, the author first analyzes the necessity and feasibility of criminal reconciliation in China, secondly, discusses the apparent conflicts between criminal reconciliation and criminal law related theories, and demonstrates the harmony between the essence of criminal reconciliation and the original intention of criminal law theory. Thirdly, after the new criminal procedure law clarifies the criminal reconciliation, the practice of criminal reconciliation and the current situation of legislation are not unified, as well as other difficulties in the practice of criminal reconciliation. Finally, From the legislation and supporting mechanism of the criminal reconciliation system put forward some suggestions.


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