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发布时间:2018-12-16 00:09
[Abstract]:The examination of the necessity of custody after arrest is a system of dynamic examination and correction of the legality and necessity of the arrest and detention of criminal suspects, which can prevent excessive infringement of the legal rights of criminal suspects by the public power of the state. And the problem of extended detention in judicial practice plays a good role in limiting. In the national legislation of the extraterritorial rule of law, the review system of the necessity of custody has been established and operated for a long time, but it has just been established in the newly revised Criminal procedure Law of our country in 2012, and the legislative provisions are not perfect enough. On the basis of drawing lessons from the legislative experience of the necessity review system of custody in foreign countries and combining the current legislative and judicial situation of our country, this paper tries to point out the problems existing in the review system of the necessity of detaining custody after arrest in our country, and at the same time, Put forward some reasonable suggestions to the existing problems. Therefore, this article is divided into three parts to explore the necessity of post-arrest detention review system. The first part mainly introduces the review system of the necessity of detention after arrest. It mainly includes the concept, characteristics, nature definition, theoretical basis and the practical significance of establishing the system to solve the problems existing in the judicial practice of our country. Then it elaborates on the legislative provisions of the necessity examination system of detention after arrest in China, and analyzes the operation of the system in various places after the establishment of the system. The necessity examination mechanism of detention after arrest is put forward in the aspects of legislation and judicial practice. The second part is a comparative study of the system of examining the necessity of custody in countries with the rule of law. By introducing the legislative provisions of the foreign countries on the subject of examination, the procedure of examination, the duration of detention and the way of relief, we should base ourselves on the national conditions of our country and draw lessons from the experience suitable for our country. In order to improve the necessity of detention after arrest review system. The third part is to perfect our country after arrest detention necessity examination system concrete countermeasure. In view of the problems existing in the system of examining the necessity of detention after arrest in our country, and on the basis of drawing lessons from the legislative experience of foreign countries, this paper puts forward some suggestions to improve the system. Some suggestions are put forward in the following aspects: the main body, the scope and emphasis of the examination, the enforcement of procuratorial suggestions, the improvement of the relief ways and relevant supporting mechanisms of the review of the necessity of custody in China.


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