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发布时间:2018-12-18 11:25
【摘要】:先行调解是2012年《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》修改中新增的制度:未经人民调解的纠纷,起诉到人民法院的,法院可以先行调解;经过人民调解未达成调解协议的纠纷,起诉到人民法院的,法院也可以先行调解。 目前,我国正处于经济社会发展的重要战略机遇期和社会矛盾凸显期,为了充分发挥人民法院调解工作在化解社会矛盾、维护社会稳定、促进社会和谐中的积极作用,最高人民法院在总结各地实践创新经验的基础上,推动先行调解入法,把调解扩大到立案前阶段,最大限度地将矛盾纠纷化解在诉前,化解在初始阶段,解决在基层当地,实现“案结事了”和涉法涉诉信访的源头治理,推动诉讼与非诉讼纠纷解决机制的合理衔接。但是,由于立法的粗糙和模糊,先行调解缺乏必要的制度构建和程序规制,加之我国现有民事诉讼程序中存在的结构性问题,使得先行调解在实践运行中问题频出。如先行调解异化为强制调解,调审不分,多次调解,长时间调解等。为了更好落实先行调解的目的和本质,本文将从先行调解入法的背景和先行调解的界定出发,分析先行调解制度存在的理论和实践问题,从制度构建和程序规制两方面来完善我国的先行调解制度。 本文第一章是我国先行调解制度的现状分析,首先从理论层面,对先行调解入法的背景以及先行调解的概念、性质和特征做了论述;其次在实践层面,从立法、当事人、法院、律师角度对先行调解做了现状分析。第二章是我国先行调解制度的价值,首先论述了先行调解制度的价值,其次分析了先行调解制度存在的作用。第三章是我国先行调解制度的完善建议,从两个角度加以完善:一是制度构建,包括先行调解遵循的原则、适用的范围以及与相关制度的冲突与协调;二是程序规制,,包括先行调解实施主体、期限和协议效力的审查。
[Abstract]:Mediation in advance is a new system in the revision of the Civil procedure Law of the people's Republic of China in 2012: if disputes without people's mediation are brought before a people's court, the court may mediate in advance; If the people mediates a dispute that has not reached a mediation agreement, the court may also mediate in advance if a lawsuit is brought to the people's court. At present, our country is in an important period of strategic opportunities for economic and social development and a period of prominent social contradictions. In order to give full play to the positive role of people's court mediation in resolving social contradictions, maintaining social stability and promoting social harmony, On the basis of summing up the practical and innovative experience of various localities, the Supreme people's Court has pushed forward mediation into the law, expanded mediation to the pre-filing stage, and resolved contradictions and disputes to the maximum extent before litigation, at the initial stage, and at the grass-roots level. To realize the source governance of lawsuit and petition, and to promote the reasonable connection between litigation and non-litigation dispute settlement mechanism. However, due to the roughness and ambiguity of legislation, the lack of necessary system construction and procedural regulation of mediation in advance, coupled with the structural problems existing in the existing civil proceedings in our country, the problems of mediation in advance frequently arise in practice. Such as mediation alienation into compulsory mediation, long-term mediation and so on. In order to better implement the purpose and essence of antecedent mediation, this paper will analyze the theoretical and practical problems existing in the antecedent mediation system from the background of the antecedent mediation law and the definition of antecedent mediation. From the system construction and the procedure regulation two aspects to consummate our country's advance mediation system. The first chapter of this paper is the analysis of the current situation of our country's advance mediation system. Firstly, from the theoretical level, the background of the advance mediation law and the concept, nature and characteristics of the advance mediation are discussed. Secondly, from the perspective of legislation, parties, courts and lawyers, this paper analyzes the current situation of mediation in advance. The second chapter is the value of the first mediation system in our country. First, it discusses the value of the first mediation system, and then analyzes the role of the advance mediation system. The third chapter is the improvement of the mediation system in China, from two angles: first, the system construction, including the principle of mediation in advance, the scope of application and the conflict and coordination with the relevant system; The second is the procedural regulation, including the review of the subject, duration and validity of the agreement.


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