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发布时间:2018-12-18 17:32
【摘要】:本文采用案例分析、比较法研究和利益平衡的研究方法,将消费仲裁制度和临时仲裁制度作为研究对象,对我国消费仲裁制度的现状和特点以及引入临时仲裁的可行性进行分析。同时,通过分析英美等西方国家的成功立法,借鉴其消费仲裁制度相关法律现状,并提出构建临时消费仲裁制度的设想。 本文共分导言、正文和结语三部分,其中正文共有四章: 第一章是对我国现有消费仲裁制度的系统分析。本章首先明确了消费争议的含义以及其不同于一般商事争议的特点。然后,,从我国消费仲裁制度的法律依据、实践特点等多个方面分析得出了我国现有的消费仲裁制度所存在的缺陷。 第二章主要介绍了欧美一些比较典型和成熟的消费仲裁制度及其运行情况。本章从消费仲裁协议的约定方式、消费争议仲裁机构的设置、仲裁员的选任制度、消费仲裁程序的设置等多个方面进行探讨,旨在总结域外立法和实践经验为临时仲裁制度引入消费仲裁制度提供借鉴。 第三章是对临时仲裁制度引入的可行性分析。本章首先结合临时仲裁的特点以及我国临时仲裁制度的现状指出临时仲裁在我国的立法缺失阻碍了我国仲裁系统的发展。再者,通过分析临时仲裁的优点指出引入临时仲裁有利于弥补我国现有消费仲裁制度的缺陷更好地发挥消费仲裁的优势,从而得出引入临时仲裁的合理领域和理想平台的结论。 第四章提出了在我国构建临时消费仲裁制度的设想。本章在前文提出我国现有消费仲裁制度的不足和引入临时仲裁制度的可行性和优点的基础上,分别从建立和完善临时消费仲裁员的选任和法律责任制度;仲裁机构、消费者协会和法院对临时消费仲裁的监督和支持;在线临时消费仲裁的设想等几个方面就如何将临时仲裁引入消费仲裁制度提出了完善的对策和建议。
[Abstract]:This paper takes the consumer arbitration system and the temporary arbitration system as the research object, using the case analysis, the comparative law research and the interest balance research method. This paper analyzes the present situation and characteristics of China's consumer arbitration system and the feasibility of introducing temporary arbitration. At the same time, by analyzing the successful legislation of western countries such as the United States and the United States, the author draws lessons from the current situation of the relevant laws of the consumer arbitration system, and puts forward the tentative idea of constructing the temporary consumption arbitration system. This paper is divided into three parts: introduction, text and conclusion, in which there are four chapters: the first chapter is the systematic analysis of the current consumer arbitration system in China. This chapter firstly clarifies the meaning of consumption dispute and its characteristics different from general commercial dispute. Then, from the legal basis and practical characteristics of the consumer arbitration system in China, the defects of the existing consumer arbitration system in our country are analyzed. The second chapter mainly introduces some typical and mature consumer arbitration system and its operation in Europe and America. In this chapter, we discuss the agreed mode of consumer arbitration agreement, the setting up of consumer dispute arbitration institution, the selection system of arbitrators, the setting up of consumer arbitration procedure, and so on. The purpose of this paper is to summarize the experience of foreign legislation and practice and to provide reference for the introduction of consumer arbitration system into temporary arbitration system. The third chapter is the feasibility analysis of the introduction of temporary arbitration system. Firstly, this chapter points out that the lack of legislation hinders the development of China's arbitration system based on the characteristics of interim arbitration and the present situation of China's interim arbitration system. Furthermore, by analyzing the advantages of temporary arbitration, it is pointed out that the introduction of temporary arbitration is conducive to making up for the defects of the existing consumer arbitration system in our country, so that the advantages of consumer arbitration can be better brought into play, and the conclusion is drawn that the reasonable field and ideal platform of introducing temporary arbitration can be reached. The fourth chapter puts forward the tentative idea of constructing temporary consumption arbitration system in our country. On the basis of the deficiency of the current consumer arbitration system and the feasibility and advantages of introducing the temporary arbitration system, this chapter establishes and perfects the system of selecting temporary consumer arbitrators and legal liability respectively. The supervision and support to temporary consumption arbitration by arbitration institutions, consumer associations and courts, the assumption of online temporary consumption arbitration, and so on, have put forward some perfect countermeasures and suggestions on how to introduce temporary arbitration into the consumption arbitration system.


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