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发布时间:2018-12-20 13:50
[Abstract]:Since the establishment of the small claims litigation system, the application rate is extremely low. The legitimacy of the small amount litigation system has aroused doubts. How to improve the application rate of the small claims procedure, so that the small claims system can again burst into vitality and give play to its due value, This research is also very necessary and urgent. According to the current situation of the application of small claims procedure in various places, this paper selects the case data of the L District people's Court of Linyi City as the blueprint for the application of the small amount procedure, and statistically analyzes the types of cases received and the way of closing the case. Trial cycle and positive and negative effects. Through the practice investigation, from the rules design, the parties, the agent, the judge psychology, the court internal procedure design multi-level excavates the reason which affects the small claim procedure application rate. On this basis, from the scope of application, trial procedure, relief procedure, mediation system and prevention of excessive action, the rational analysis of measures to improve the matching measures, and put forward feasible suggestions, from the aspects of the scope of application, trial procedure, relief procedure, mediation system and prevention of excessive action. In order to improve the small-sum program system.


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