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发布时间:2018-12-25 10:04
[Abstract]:Criminal retrial appeal is one of the important conditions for the retrial procedure to start. Whether the relevant system is perfect or not is related to the rationality and correctness of the retrial procedure and prevents the retrial procedure from starting at will or strictly closed. The current criminal retrial appeal in our country is in a very incomplete stage, the existing criminal retrial appeal related legal provisions are not perfect enough, not detailed enough, has not formed a complete criminal retrial appeal procedure. On the one hand, with a large number of criminal retrial appeal cases pouring into the court, procuratorates, case handlers have a long period of time to undertake a large number of criminal cases review of the pressure to handle cases, but also bear the burden of litigation letters and visits. On the other hand, the appeal of the parties and their legal representatives, the close relatives, against the effective decision is only one of the sources of material for the judicial supervision proceedings initiated by both chambers of the procuratorate. There are many inconveniences and obstacles in the process of trying to protect one's rights through criminal appeal, so it is difficult to ensure the realization of the right of appeal. In addition, some litigants abuse their right of action because they are not satisfied with the result of the complaint, such as "petition or not believing in the law", which has seriously affected social order and public security. Over the past few years, a case of injustice, falsehood and error has surfaced, drawing attention not only to the society, but also to the public's doubts about the substance of the review of criminal retrial complaints. Therefore, in order to protect the basic human rights of the parties, realize fairness and justice, resolve the difficulties of the present criminal retrial appeal, the appeal procedure is not clear, and the appeal review is administrative, it is necessary to perfect the relevant provisions of the criminal retrial appeal. This article regards the value and significance of criminal retrial appeal as the breakthrough point, through the analysis of the present situation of criminal retrial appeal, concludes that the existing conditions of criminal retrial appeal are not clear, resulting in the appeal threshold is too low; The review mechanism of criminal appeal is not perfect, it is difficult to guarantee the effective examination of retrial appeal, the lawyer's participation in the process of retrial appeal is insufficient; The major grievance cases lack special relief channels and so on. This paper compares and draws lessons from the relevant practical experiences of foreign countries and puts forward corresponding suggestions for perfection in combination with the national conditions of our country.


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