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发布时间:2019-01-06 11:11
[Abstract]:The mode of centralized trial of civil action originates from the common law system, and its litigation structure is characterized by a clear separation between the pretrial procedure and the trial. Corresponding to this, civil litigation in civil law system is implemented in parallel trial mode, which has no clear two-stage division. With the development of economy and society, the number of civil litigation cases has increased sharply. Due to the lack of preparatory procedure and the practice of "at any time", the malpractice of parallel trial mode is gradually revealed. Therefore, the representative countries of the continental law system, Germany and Japan, began to use the centralized trial mode for reference to reform the original parallel trial mode, and its litigation structure also showed the characteristics of the separation of pretrial procedure and trial. The reform of Germany and Japan has achieved good results. The legal system of civil procedure in our country is deeply influenced by Germany and Japan, so it has formed a de facto parallel trial mode, resulting in the inefficiency of litigation and so on. In addition to the fact of the lower costs of litigation and the immature registration system, a large number of civil disputes rushed to the court, making the already very tight judicial resources more stretched. Therefore, it is necessary to reform the existing parallel trial mode and promote the concentration of trial in order to improve judicial efficiency. In order to reform the existing trial methods, we should take full advantage of the help provided by the reform of the current judicial system and the practical experience of the basic courts while absorbing the experience of the Anglo-American law system and the reform of Germany and Japan. The focus of the reform is the establishment of independent pretrial preparation procedures and trial changes. The core of the reform of trial mode is to change the present practice of court investigation and court debate step by step, so that both of them can be carried out simultaneously and strengthen the exercise of the judge's right of interpretation at the same time. The purpose of the reform is to promote the materialization of the trial and to promote the construction of the trial-centered litigation system.


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