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发布时间:2019-01-09 10:25
【摘要】:摘要:近年来,我国社会现代化建设欣欣向荣,然而在此过程中由于行政机关的不合理甚至是野蛮地行使职权,致使我国的群体性行政纠纷与日俱增。目前我国现有的行政诉讼法没有很好地解决此类纠纷,既有的代表人诉讼制度并没有发挥其应有的作用,使得众多行政相对人的合法权益没有获得及时有效的救济。然而,法律不允许制度真空的存在,鉴于目前的实际状况,在我国引进德国行政示范诉讼制度实有必要。行政示范诉讼制度是一种针对解决人数众多且法律问题或事实问题大部分相同的群体性行政纠纷的新型的制度。它之所以能够快速经济地促进群体性纠纷的有效解决,奥妙在于它的示范波及效应:即先期选取其中一件或数件典型案件进行公开审理,后期的其它同类案件采用在典型案件中得以明确的共通性的事实与法律问题结论,从而达到快速经济解决群体纠纷的诉讼目的。 德国在立法上已建立起行政示范诉讼制度,并且在司法实践中取得良好的成效,其丰富的立法和实务经验为我国构建行政示范诉讼制度提供了良好的素材和参照;目前,我国已经具备引进行政示范诉讼制度的各项条件,在我国构建行政示范诉讼制度具有必要性和可行性;为解决日益频发的群体性行政纠纷,当务之急应在我国引进和建构行政示范诉讼制度。与此同时要处理好它与既存的行政诉讼代表人制度的关系,是取而代之还是两者兼存?在具体司法实务中,还需探讨行政示范诉讼制度的运行该采用何种模式,是契约型还是职权型模式?最后落实行政示范诉讼制度的具体构建,包括其运作前提、级别管辖、第三人权益保障以及行政示范判决的效力扩张等。
[Abstract]:Absrtact: in recent years, the construction of social modernization in our country is flourishing, but in the process, because of the unreasonable and even barbaric exercise of power by administrative organs, the group administrative disputes in our country are increasing day by day. At present, the existing administrative procedure law in our country has not solved this kind of dispute well, the existing representative litigation system has not played its due role, which makes the legal rights and interests of many administrative counterpart not get timely and effective relief. However, the law does not allow the existence of institutional vacuum, in view of the current actual situation, it is necessary to introduce the German administrative model litigation system in our country. The administrative model litigation system is a new type of system which aims at solving the group administrative disputes which have a large number of people and most of the legal or factual problems are the same. The reason why it can quickly and economically promote the effective resolution of group disputes lies in its demonstration ripple effect: one or more of the typical cases are selected for public trial in advance. Other similar cases in the later period adopt the conclusion of the common facts and legal problems which can be clear in the typical cases, so as to achieve the goal of resolving group disputes quickly and economically. Germany has established the administrative model litigation system in legislation, and has achieved good results in judicial practice. Its rich legislative and practical experience has provided good material and reference for the construction of administrative model litigation system in our country. At present, our country already has the various conditions to introduce the administrative model litigation system, it is necessary and feasible to construct the administrative model lawsuit system in our country; In order to solve the increasingly frequent group administrative disputes, it is urgent to introduce and construct the administrative model litigation system in our country. At the same time, we should deal well with the relationship between it and the existing representative system of administrative litigation, whether it should be replaced or both? In the specific judicial practice, it is also necessary to explore what mode should be adopted in the operation of the administrative model litigation system, whether the contractual model or the authority mode? Finally, the concrete construction of the administrative model litigation system is carried out, including its operating premise, level of jurisdiction, protection of the rights and interests of the third party and the expansion of the effectiveness of the administrative model judgment.


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1 郑妮;示范诉讼制度研究[D];西南政法大学;2010年




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