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发布时间:2019-01-18 14:11
[Abstract]:The newly amended Criminal procedure Law of the people's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the new Criminal procedure Law) has been in force since January 1, 2013. A new regulation has been made on the criminal investigation behavior of the procuratorial organs in investigating and handling job-related crimes. Article 73 stipulates that the procuratorial organs may apply the compulsory measures of residence monitoring in the investigation and handling of especially serious bribery cases. This provision is both an opportunity and a challenge. Since the implementation of the new Criminal procedure Law, in the course of investigating and handling job-related crimes, procuratorial organs in various localities have applied mandatory measures of residence monitoring and residence monitoring to the suspects of especially important bribery crimes. At present, some suspects have been prosecuted and convicted. The application of mandatory residence monitoring measures plays an obvious and positive role in the prosecution's investigation of especially serious bribery crimes. However, there are some problems in the application of this coercive measure, which shows the characteristics of meeting the needs of investigation and the inherent detention in the process of implementation. There is a major contradiction with the purpose of establishing compulsory measures of monitoring residence. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a thorough investigation and study on the application of the mandatory measure of residence monitoring in combination with practice, so that it can be further improved so that the compulsory measure can play its role. Since the implementation of the new Criminal procedure Law on January 1, 2013, a municipal procuratorate will use its designated residence to monitor the investigation of particularly serious bribery cases. This paper demonstrates the positive effect of mandatory residence monitoring measures, studies the problems existing in the mandatory residence monitoring measures, and puts forward some solutions to the problems.


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