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发布时间:2019-01-22 12:56
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of economy and the pluralistic trend of social development, the juvenile crime rate in our country has also shown a trend of rising by a large margin, and the types of crime are also emerging in endlessly. In addition, the level of national education continues to improve, the general awareness of the legal system is gradually strengthened, people increasingly resort to conflicts to protect their legitimate rights and interests, and judicial resources are increasingly unable to effectively meet the needs of judicial practice. And the contradiction between the two is becoming more and more prominent. In such a social background, the non-penal measures of criminal punishment will become particularly important, and conditional non-prosecution system will comply with the needs of the times. With the deepening of judicial practice, the new Criminal procedure Law was promulgated and implemented on January 1, 2013, bringing the system of conditional non-prosecution into the scope of the law. At this point, conditional non-prosecution system as a non-penal alternative measures in the form of law can be established. However, the new criminal system in the process of practical application, showing some shortcomings. Based on the analysis of the system of conditional non-prosecution and previous scholars' research on the system of conditional non-prosecution of our country, this paper combines the current legislative situation and relevant systems of our country. This paper analyzes and summarizes the problems existing in the judicial practice of the conditional non-prosecution system in China, and makes some theoretical analysis and thinking for perfecting the conditional non-prosecution system in order to solve the problem of juvenile crime in China more effectively. Specifically, the first part of the article, introduction, mainly introduces the research background and significance of choosing the subject of "perfect system of conditional non-prosecution in China", and summarizes the relevant research at home and abroad. The research ideas and methods of this paper are determined. The second part explains the concept, characteristics, theoretical basis and historical evolution of the conditional non-prosecution system in China. The third part introduces and analyzes the current legislative and practical situation of the conditional non-prosecution system in China, and summarizes the existing problems of the system. The fourth part, through the introduction of extraterritorial related systems, for our conditional non-prosecution system to provide useful reference, so that China's conditional non-prosecution system more in line with the reality of China; Finally, it puts forward the systematic thinking of perfecting the system of conditional non-prosecution in our country, so that it can play a better role in dealing with juvenile criminal cases.


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