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发布时间:2019-01-27 09:07
【摘要】:放弃诉讼请求制度是民事诉讼中的一项重要制度,是民事诉讼法体系不可或缺的组成部分。放弃诉讼请求作为民事诉讼权利,体现了民事诉讼中的处分原则、彰显当事人的民事程序选择权,实现诉讼诉讼效益与诉讼公正双重价值。该权利不仅是当事人对诉讼权利的处分方式,也是终结案件审理的途径。放弃诉讼请求是大陆法系民事诉讼法中系统化的制度规定,但在我国却只是规定作为原告的一项诉讼权利。由于没有系统化的制度内容的构建,导致其在实务中严重缺乏可操作性,其功能价值的发挥也大受影响,概而言之,欠缺完善的制度保障使当事人行使放弃诉讼请求的处分权难以得到实现。因而,构建民事诉讼的放弃诉讼请求制度不仅是完善立法的需求,也是规范实务操作的需要。为此,本文从界定放弃诉讼请求的概念与性质入手,通过对比分析大陆法系具有代表性的放弃诉讼请求制度内容,剖析我国民事诉讼中放弃诉讼请求在立法与实务中存在的种种缺陷,在借鉴域外制度规定的基础上,综合我国司法实况提出构建放弃诉讼请求制度的设想。 本文正文共分为五章。 第一章是对放弃诉讼请求的界定。大陆法系民事诉讼理论界对放弃诉讼请求的概念与性质有不同的界定,本章在比较诸多学说后从中确定最符合该行为的观点,同时本章还依据放弃诉讼请求的方式与内容,介绍了该行为的分类,并对其与相关概念进行比较。 第二章论述了放弃诉讼请求的法理意义,,彰显出放弃诉讼请求在民事诉讼中的独立地位与无可替代的价值。本文前两章共同从宏观角度对放弃诉讼请求作出整体勾勒,为后文的展开奠定理论基础。 第三章介绍了大陆法系主要国家和地区的放弃诉讼请求制度规定。本章对德国、法国、日本及我国台湾地区的放弃诉讼请求制度作了较为详细的说明,并对上述制度进行比较分析,总结放弃诉讼请求制度的应有组成内容,为构建我国大陆民事诉讼的放弃诉讼请求制度提供借鉴。 第四章剖析了我国大陆民事诉讼放弃诉讼请求制度的现状与问题,从立法与司法实务两个角度分析了放弃诉讼请求制度在我国民事诉讼中的缺位。法律规范的缺失造成放弃诉讼请求在实务中难以操作,放弃诉讼请求通常被转化为其他程序权利处理,丧失了在民事诉讼中的独立地位,其功能价值也被埋没,由此突出构建放弃诉讼请求制度在我国民事诉讼中的迫切现实需求。 第五章是构建我国大陆民事诉讼放弃诉讼请求制度的设想。本章以保障当事人处分权的行使、尊重当事人程序选择权的原则为指导,在放弃诉讼请求成立的前提下,针对现存问题,从放弃诉讼请求的主体资格、适用案件的范围、行为行使时间与方式及其法律效力与法官的裁判方式等角度构建适应我国司法实务的放弃诉讼请求制度。
[Abstract]:Waiver system is an important system in civil litigation and an indispensable part of civil procedure law system. As a civil litigation right, the waiver of litigation claims embodies the principle of disposition in civil litigation, highlights the parties' choice of civil procedure, and realizes the dual value of litigation benefit and litigation justice. This right is not only the disposition of litigant's right, but also the way to end the case. Waiver of action is a systematic regulation in civil procedure law of civil law system, but it is only a litigation right as plaintiff in our country. Because there is no systematic system content construction, it is seriously lack of maneuverability in practice, and the exertion of its function value is also greatly affected. The lack of perfect system guarantees makes it difficult for the parties to exercise the right to give up their claims. Therefore, it is not only the need to perfect the legislation, but also the need to standardize the practice. Therefore, this paper begins with the definition of the concept and nature of the waiver of litigation request, and analyzes the content of the representative system of waiver of litigation request in the civil law system. This paper analyzes on the defects in legislation and practice of waiving litigation request in civil litigation in our country. On the basis of drawing lessons from the provisions of extraterritorial system and synthesizing the judicial facts of our country, this paper puts forward a tentative plan of constructing the system of waiving litigation request. The text of this paper is divided into five chapters. The first chapter is the definition of waiver claim. There are different definitions on the concept and nature of waiving claim in the civil litigation theory of civil law system. After comparing many theories, this chapter determines the most consistent viewpoint of this act, and at the same time, this chapter also bases on the way and content of waiving litigation request. The classification of the behavior is introduced and compared with the related concepts. The second chapter discusses the legal significance of waiving the claim, showing the independent position and irreplaceable value of the waiver in the civil action. The first two chapters of this paper make a general outline of the waiver claim from the macro point of view, and lay a theoretical foundation for the later part. Chapter three introduces the stipulation of waiver system in the main countries and regions of civil law system. This chapter gives a detailed description of the waiver system in Germany, France, Japan and Taiwan, and makes a comparative analysis of the above system. It provides a reference for the construction of the civil litigation waiver system in mainland China. The fourth chapter analyzes the current situation and problems of the system of waiving litigation request in mainland China, and analyzes the vacancy of the system of waiving litigation request in our country from the angle of legislation and judicial practice. Due to the lack of legal norms, it is difficult to operate the waiver claim in practice. The waiver claim is usually transformed into other procedural rights, losing its independent status in civil litigation, and its functional value is also buried. Therefore, the urgent and realistic need of constructing the system of waiver of litigation request in civil litigation in our country is highlighted. The fifth chapter is to construct the civil litigation waiver system in mainland China. This chapter is guided by the principle of safeguarding the parties' right to dispose and respecting the parties' right of choice of procedure. Under the premise of the establishment of the waiver of the litigation request, this chapter aims at the existing problems and applies the scope of the case from the subject qualification of the waiver of the litigation request. From the angles of time and mode of action, its legal effect and judge's adjudication, the system of waiving litigation request is constructed to suit the judicial practice in our country.


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