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发布时间:2019-02-22 20:40
[Abstract]:"No one shall be compelled to prove his guilt" is the first stipulation in our country's revised Criminal procedure Law in 2012, but it is only a prohibitive provision for those who handle cases, which is far from the international right to oppose self-incrimination. The study of the origin and development of the right to oppose self-incrimination in the United States and the United States will help us to understand from the legal perspective why we should treat opposition to self-incrimination as a right, especially its constitutionalization. Will set an insurmountable limit of basic human rights protection for government prosecution of crimes. The right to silence derived from it is also conducive to the transformation of criminal proceedings from the mode of "criminal suspect and defendant's speech" to the mode of "proof of charge", to ensure the equal confrontation between the prosecution and the defense, the neutral hearing of the judge, and the better realization of judicial justice.
【作者单位】: 北京航空航天大学法学院;


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