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发布时间:2019-02-24 11:24
【摘要】:救济,,其本意是指帮助某人脱离危险或摆脱困境的意思。在法律范畴内,是指行为人的某种正当权利遭到非法侵犯时,通过某种手段改正、矫正或补救。诉讼参与人的救济权利是指整个刑事诉讼过程中,诉讼参与人在行使权利时,遭到公安机关、检察机关、法院及其有关工作人员不当限制或侵犯,有权依法向有关司法机关提出申诉、控告,并请求相关司法机关处理的行为。救济权按性质可分为两类:一类是非诉讼性的救济权又叫审前救济,是指诉讼参与人遭受到公安机关、检察机关、法院及其工作人员违反法律规定程序,剥夺、限制、侵害诉讼参与人权利时,有权向有关机关寻求救济的权利。处理这类救济是一种行政行为。另一类是诉讼性的救济,这种救济主要是对司法机关在诉讼过程中所作的判决、裁定不服而提起的,它由申诉事件而引起的,因此对这类申诉事件的处理是一种诉讼行为,即刑诉法中规定的再审程序或审判监督程序。 本文所要探讨的救济权是上述所说的第一类非诉讼性的救济。本文分为三个章节对诉讼参与人救济权利进行研究:第一章主要是对刑事救济权的概述。讲述了刑事救济权的概念、特征、刑事救济权的意义和诉讼参与人的概念和范围。第二章主要介绍我国现行刑事诉讼参与人救济权的问题与原因。主要分析我国现行刑事诉讼参与人救济权存在的问题以及诉讼参与人救济权问题原因分析。第三章主要介绍我国现行诉讼参与人刑事救济权的完善。本文由浅入深分析了现行刑事诉讼法关于诉讼参与人救济权存在的问题及原因,并对相关问题提出了完善建议,其分析也有许多不足之处,在此算是抛砖引玉了。
[Abstract]:Relief is meant to help someone out of danger or difficulty. In the scope of law, it refers to the correction, correction or remedy by some means when the legitimate rights of the perpetrator are infringed unlawfully. The remedy right of the litigant refers to the improper restriction or violation by the public security organ, the procuratorial organ, the court and its related staff in the exercise of the rights of the litigant during the whole criminal proceedings. Shall have the right to lodge a complaint or complaint with the relevant judicial organ in accordance with the law, and to request the relevant judicial organ to handle the act. According to its nature, the right of relief can be divided into two categories: one is the non-litigant right of relief, also called pretrial relief, which means that the participants in the proceedings are deprived and restricted by the public security organs, procuratorial organs, courts and their staff in violation of the procedures prescribed by law. The right to seek redress from the relevant authorities when infringing upon the rights of the litigant participants. Handling such remedies is an administrative act. The other is procedural relief, which is mainly brought against decisions made by the judicial authorities in the course of the proceedings. It is caused by appeals. Therefore, the handling of such appeals is an act of litigation. That is, the procedure of retrial or trial supervision stipulated in the Criminal procedure Law. The right of relief discussed in this paper is the first kind of non-litigation relief mentioned above. This paper is divided into three chapters: the first chapter is the summary of criminal relief right. This paper describes the concept and characteristics of the right of criminal remedy, the meaning of the right of criminal remedy and the concept and scope of the participants in the proceedings. The second chapter mainly introduces the problems and reasons of the current criminal procedure participant's right of relief in our country. This paper mainly analyzes the problems existing in the relief right of the present criminal procedure participants and the causes of the relief rights of the participants in the criminal proceedings in our country. The third chapter mainly introduces the perfection of criminal relief right of current litigant participants in our country. This paper analyzes the existing problems and reasons of the current Criminal procedure Law on the right to relief for participants in litigation, and puts forward some suggestions for the improvement of the relevant problems. There are many deficiencies in the analysis.


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