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发布时间:2019-03-06 13:16
[Abstract]:In recent years, the occurrence of violent terrorist crimes has become more and more common throughout the country, but it also means that violent terrorist crimes have an increasingly serious impact on public order and the psychological panic of the people. Therefore, to increase the intensity of the crime is the first and most urgent task at this stage. However, due to the complex causes of the crime, involving many factors, the process of combating the crime is difficult. Based on this, this paper attempts to focus on the role of prosecutorial power in violent terrorist crime cases in civil law countries and common law countries from the perspective of comparative law, and draws a conclusion that the procuratorial power of the former is more extensive than that of the latter, and that the procuratorial power of the former is more extensive than that of the latter. More authority. Then, while clarifying the legal nature of procuratorial power in our country, the author makes a comparative study with it. Secondly, the author selectively draws lessons from the practice and experience of other countries in allocating prosecutorial power in cases of violent terrorist crimes, and analyzes the institutional and realistic dilemmas in the process of combating violent terrorist crimes in China at the same time. As a result, due to the lack of relevant functions and powers of procuratorial organs, the supervision of public security organs and judicial organs in case filing, investigation and trial work lags behind, and there is a lack of effective means of legal supervision. This leads to a better fight against this type of crime. The reason for this situation is that the law of our country is not perfect, the distribution of power between the two organs of the procuratorial law is not uniform and the defects in the actual operation, so that the procuratorial organs can not fully play the role of supervision in order to crack down on this kind of crime. In view of the above problems at present in our country, it is suggested that the prosecutorial power should be allocated scientifically based on the particularity of violent and terrorist crimes in our country, so as to achieve the purpose of effectively combating violent and terrorist crimes.


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