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发布时间:2019-03-06 17:31
【摘要】:互联网的普及,不仅推动了社会经济的快速发展,而且为人们的日常生活带来方便快捷。凡事无绝对,利弊并存,伴之而来的网络问题也逐渐凸显。目前,网络侵权案件呈高发态势,这给司法界带来不少的困扰。由于网络空间的虚拟性,以地域为基础的传统管辖理论已经无法满足网络侵权案件的需求。关于如何有效的解决网络侵权已经成为非常迫切而且非常棘手的问题,学术界对此仁者见仁智者见智,始终未能形成一个统一的观点。在司法实践中我们面临的重要问题便是:以地域为基础的传统管辖规则是否仍然适用于网络侵权案件?如何在现有的法律秩序中修正、更新和补充既有规则,以适用于网络侵权案件?本文以网络侵权的表现形式以及其与一般侵权之间的区别为出发点,分析网络侵权给传统管辖理论带来的冲击,并对一些主流观点和发达国家的司法实践进行理论研究和实证分析,最后总结出传统地域管辖规则在网络侵权案件中的变更与取舍,同时为我国网络侵权地域管辖制度的改进与完善提出可行性的、建设性的意见。 全文共分为四章: 第一章是绪论,主要讲述了本文的选题背景以及意义,对目前研究现状的分析和对本文的研究思路及方法。从我国目前有关网络侵权的立法来观察,其不足以满足网络侵权案件的需求。 第二章从网络侵权的表现形式以及其与一般侵权之间的区别出发,,重点分析了网络侵权给以地域为基础的传统管辖理论带来的冲击,主要表现为:对国家司法管辖权的否定、导致侵权行为地难以确定、导致“原告就被告”理论的适用困境以及导致当事人滥用择地诉讼,透过现象深挖其本质问题,从而为后文对策的提出奠定了基础。 第三章重点阐述了法学界有关网络侵权案件地域管辖的新理论,主要包括:新主权理论、管辖权相对论、技术优先管辖等理论观点,通过研究分析并指出其合理与不合理之处。同时还论述了以美国为代表的发达国家有关网络侵权案件的司法实践,通过分析论证学习和借鉴其合理的地方。 第四章阐述作者关于我国网络侵权案件地域管辖的探索,首先要明确我国网络侵权司法管辖权的原则,然后在此基础之上对我国在网络侵权案件管辖权问题提出了自己的主张。
[Abstract]:The popularization of Internet not only promotes the rapid development of social economy, but also brings convenience to people's daily life. Everything has no absolute, advantages and disadvantages coexist, accompanied by the network problems are also gradually highlighted. At present, there is a high incidence of network infringement cases, which brings a lot of trouble to the judicial circles. Because of the virtual nature of cyberspace, the traditional jurisdiction theory based on region can not meet the demand of network infringement cases. How to effectively solve the network infringement has become a very urgent and very difficult problem, the academic community has not formed a unified point of view. The important question we face in judicial practice is: is the traditional jurisdiction rule based on geographical basis still applicable to network infringement cases? How to amend, update and supplement existing rules in the existing legal order to apply to network infringement cases? Taking the form of network infringement and the difference between it and general tort as the starting point, this paper analyzes the impact of network infringement on traditional jurisdictional theory. It also makes theoretical research and empirical analysis on some mainstream views and judicial practice in developed countries. Finally, it sums up the changes and choices of traditional regional jurisdiction rules in network tort cases. At the same time, it puts forward feasible and constructive suggestions for the improvement and perfection of our country's network tort jurisdiction system. The full text is divided into four chapters: the first chapter is the introduction, which mainly describes the background and significance of this topic, the analysis of the current research situation and the research ideas and methods of this paper. From the current legislation on network infringement in China, it is not enough to meet the needs of network infringement cases. The second chapter starts from the manifestation of network infringement and the difference between it and general tort, and analyzes the impact of network infringement on the traditional jurisdiction theory based on region, mainly as follows: the negation of national judicial jurisdiction, the second chapter focuses on the analysis of the impact of network infringement on traditional jurisdiction theory based on region. It leads to the difficulty of applying the theory of "plaintiff to defendant" and the abuse of the litigation of choosing land by the party concerned, so as to dig out its essential problems through the phenomenon, so as to lay a foundation for the proposal of the later countermeasures. The third chapter focuses on the new theories of regional jurisdiction of network infringement cases in the field of law, including: the theory of new sovereignty, the relativity of jurisdiction, the technical priority jurisdiction, and so on, and points out its rationality and irrationality through the research and analysis. At the same time, it also discusses the judicial practice of network infringement cases in developed countries represented by the United States, through the analysis and demonstration to learn and learn from its reasonable place. The fourth chapter expounds the author's exploration on the regional jurisdiction of network infringement cases in our country, firstly, it is necessary to clarify the principle of our country's network tort jurisdiction, and then on this basis, the author puts forward his own opinion on the issue of our country's jurisdiction over network infringement cases.


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