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发布时间:2019-03-16 14:54
[Abstract]:Accountability for wrongs and wrongs is an important symbol of judicial justice. True and severe retribution is conducive to reducing the number of grievances in the future, while false evading may encourage the creation of more grievances. After the retrial of the most serious evil result of killing innocent people in Hoga case in Inner Mongolia, under the enormous pressure of thousands of references and thousands of calls from all over the country, the accountability of the unjust case-makers is still done only by the party discipline and the government discipline. The result was unexpected, causing considerable doubt, reminiscent of Yang Naiwu's grievance at the end of the Qing Dynasty. The antiquity and modern comparison may make us more aware of the absurdity of this outcome: today's accountability for the most serious cases of killing innocent people is far less severe than that for which the death penalty (which has not yet been executed and only three years in detention) was wrongly convicted more than a hundred years ago. The falsification of the prosecution of the unjust prison not only damages the judicial credibility once again, but also relieves the worries of the unjust prison maker, and objectively encourages the future unjust prison to create.
【作者单位】: 中央民族大学法学院;


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