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发布时间:2019-03-22 12:15
[Abstract]:The investigation and evidence collection system of defense counsel is the important guarantee of fairness and justice in criminal procedure, and also the key to the realization of the right of defense of the accused. It is the practice of the principle of presumption of innocence, the principle of balance between prosecution and defense, the theory of procedural justice and the theory of effective debate. It has profound significance in safeguarding the rights and interests of criminal suspects and defendants in litigation. Although in 2012, the criminal procedure law has modified the system to a certain extent, there are still some shortcomings in the existing regulations, which are reflected in the following aspects: the legal safeguards to be realized in the way of investigation and evidence collection are not sound; The limitation of defense lawyer's application for investigating and obtaining evidence, the limitation of defense lawyer's own legal risk and so on, are the disadvantages of the existing defense counsel's investigation and evidence collection system. Through the legislative investigation of the extraterritorial countries, it is found that the extraterritorial countries have a lot to learn from in the concrete construction of the defense counsel investigation and evidence collection system, while perfecting the defense counsel investigation system in our country, under the premise of accord with the context of our country, The advanced legislative experience can be used for reference. Finally, on the concrete assumption of perfecting the system, the author thinks that, firstly, our country should set up the investigation order system and establish the procedure of application and examination and approval of the criminal investigation order. Secondly, we should make clear the defense lawyer's right to investigate and collect evidence in the investigation stage. Finally, the system of immunity from criminal defence should be established.


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