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发布时间:2019-03-24 11:21
[Abstract]:The twenty-eighth meeting of the standing Committee of the National people's Congress was held on 31 August 2012, at which the Civil procedure Law of the people's Republic of China was amended and related issues in civil public interest litigation were regulated, Article 55, as amended, clearly stipulates that "[t] he acts of polluting the environment, infringing upon the legitimate rights and interests of many consumers, etc., which harm the public interest of the society, may be brought before a people's court by the organs and relevant organizations prescribed by the law." This amendment provides the basis of civil procedure law for the establishment and perfection of civil public interest litigation system, satisfies the urgent demand of the establishment of public interest litigation system from all walks of life, and is of great significance and value to the maintenance of social public interest. At the beginning of the establishment of the public interest litigation system, it is the most important to make clear the subject suitability of plaintiff in civil public interest litigation. The existing theory of civil litigation in China has adopted the expression of "direct interest" in the subject fitness of plaintiff. However, in the field of civil public interest litigation, plaintiff is no longer limited to the scope of "direct interest". This requires us to continue to develop the existing civil litigation subject fitness theory, to explore a special civil public interest litigation subject fitness theory. Procuratorial organs, specific administrative organs and social organizations are suitable subjects of civil public interest litigation plaintiff. This article will use the case study method to analyze the three subjects as the civil public interest litigation plaintiff's subject suitability. This paper is divided into four parts, the first part expounds the basic theory of civil public interest litigation subject fitness, the second part, the third part, the fourth part respectively through the C City Procuratorate against A, Xu B pollution of the environment case, D City Environmental Protection Bureau v. Wu and other environmental pollution liability disputes, S City Insurance Commission v. S Company, O Company Tort liability dispute three cases were analyzed, starting from the procuratorial organs, specific administrative organs, social organizations three main bodies, The legitimacy and rationality of civil public interest litigation are analyzed. In order to continuously enrich and develop the theory of plaintiff subject fitness in civil public interest litigation, we should get rid of the restriction of "direct interest" on plaintiff's suitable subject in civil public interest litigation. To explore a public interest litigation system that conforms to the social trend and meets the needs of maintaining the public interest. On the one hand, the main body of civil public interest litigation plaintiff should be detailed and specified in the substantive law, and the preconditions and restrictions of procuratorial organs, specific administrative organs and social organizations as the suitable subjects of civil public interest litigation plaintiff should be made clear. On the other hand, the procedure of civil public interest litigation should be specified in the procedural law, so that it can be distinguished from the ordinary civil litigation, and the development of civil public interest litigation system should be promoted. To make it an important means of safeguarding the public interest of the society.


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