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发布时间:2019-03-24 20:22
[Abstract]:After the revision of the Civil procedure Law in 2012, the falsification and failure of procuratorial supervision power in the actual operation of the retrial system is becoming more and more prominent. The application supervisor, the procuratorial power subject and the judicial power subject need a solid information foundation to form the structural interaction in the retrial. The information inferiority of supervisors leads to the adverse selection situation characterized by rent-seeking and opportunistic supervisory applications expelling substantive supervisory applications, while the false supervision created by reverse elimination tends to lead to moral hazard of pre-reviewers and subsequent physical reviewers, and it is easy to create moral hazard for pre-reviewers and subsequent physical reviewers, which are characterized by rent-seeking and opportunistic supervisory applications. Finally, the burden screening and error correction function of the retrial procedure on the whole reduced to idle. Civil retrial is the interface between orthodox civil procedure and law-related complaint, and the optimization of retrial procedure is an important prerequisite to realize the separation of appeal and petition in the reform of law-related complaint and access to prosecution. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the supervisor's information ability, and should choose the procedure path which can strengthen the incentive as soon as possible.
【作者单位】: 西南财经大学法学院;温州市人民检察院;
【基金】:西南财经大学中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(项目编号:JBK1407003) 浙江省人民检察院专题调研重点课题“民间金融犯罪与检察监督工作”(课题编号:SY2013A13)与“虚假诉讼检察调研”(课题编号:SYDY201442)资助


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