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发布时间:2019-03-25 09:15
【摘要】:监听作为一种特殊的侦查手段,利用技术手段破除现代犯罪的侦查障碍,能使侦查机关更有效的侦破案件、及时发现犯罪事实真相和及时惩罚犯罪,提高侦查机关对犯罪分子进行监控和追踪的效率,有助于预防、制止和惩治犯罪。此外,监听又是一把双刃利剑,如果运用得当,其准确性、经济性和高效性能使其成为一把涤荡罪恶的正义之剑;如果胡乱挥舞,其秘密性、侵犯性和强制性将使其成为一把面目狰狞的邪恶之剑。如果监听的运用缺乏程序控制,监听的运用很可能会侵犯公民的隐私权、言论自由权、通信自由权,更甚者还会造成民众的恐慌和社会秩序的混乱。因此,如何保障被监听人的权利,防止公权力的滥用,对监听行为加以程序上的控制,便成为监听制度建构中的重中之重。 本文以监听侦查现状概述为切入点,从监听的产生和发展再到当前的实践,通过对不同国家和地区监听制度的分析和比较研究,提出我国刑事诉讼体制中现存的关于监听的立法缺陷,继而分析了监听手段在我国存在的合理性和对其进行程序保障的紧迫性,并阐述了监听法治化的必要性。希望在惩罚犯罪与保障人权之间、在程序公正与侦查效率之间取得平衡,并对我国刑事诉讼程序,对监听的程序保障方面提出立法建议,寻求简捷、明确、细化有实际操作性的配套程序。
[Abstract]:As a special means of investigation, surveillance can break down the obstacles of modern crime investigation by means of technical means, so that the investigation organs can detect cases more effectively, discover the truth of the crime in time and punish the crime in time. It is helpful to prevent, suppress and punish the crime by improving the efficiency of the surveillance and tracing of criminals by the investigation organs. In addition, monitoring is a double-edged sword, if used properly, its accuracy, economy and efficiency make it a sword of justice that clears evil; If you wave it indiscriminately, its secrecy, aggression, and compulsion will make it an evil sword with a ferocious face. If the use of eavesdropping lacks program control, the use of eavesdropping is likely to infringe on citizens' privacy, freedom of expression, freedom of communication and, even more, public panic and disorder of social order. Therefore, how to protect the rights of the monitored person, prevent the abuse of public power, and control the monitoring behavior on a procedural basis, has become the most important task in the construction of the monitoring system. Taking the overview of the current situation of surveillance investigation as the starting point, from the emergence and development of surveillance to the current practice, through the analysis and comparative study of monitoring systems in different countries and regions, This paper puts forward the existing legislative defects of monitoring in the criminal procedure system of our country, then analyzes on the rationality of the existence of monitoring means in our country and the urgency of ensuring its procedure, and expounds the necessity of wiretapping ruling by law. Hoping to strike a balance between the punishment of crimes and the protection of human rights, between procedural justice and investigative efficiency, and to put forward legislative suggestions on the procedural protection of surveillance in our criminal procedure in order to seek simplicity and clarity, Detailed practical operational supporting procedures.


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