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发布时间:2019-03-28 08:13
[Abstract]:Article 52, paragraph 2, of the Code of Criminal procedure provides the basis for the application of administrative law enforcement evidence. To understand the application of this article, we should not only pay attention to the realistic necessity, but also demonstrate the legitimacy of substantive law, procedural law and evidence law. At the level of substantive law, the adjustment objects of administration and criminal law are intersected, the social harmfulness of administrative violation and crime is different, and the identification of constituent elements can be shared. At the level of procedural law, it is because of the dual accountability mechanism of illegal crime and crime in our country, the fact of the crime is often first discovered from the administrative law enforcement, and the criminal procedure is preceded when the law is illegal and the crime is concurrence; Evidence law is due to the scarcity of proof resources and the objective relevance of evidence. The cohesive use of execution evidence is a topic with Chinese characteristics. In the foreign system of unitary accountability and evidence rules, it is not necessary to change the use of evidence. Legal legitimacy should move towards procedural legitimacy. When constructing and applying the rules of convergence and application of the evidence of execution, we should pay attention to the distinction between the cohesive rules of evidence and the cohesive mechanism of the procedure of execution, and the judicial organs of public security should abide by the bottom line of procedural justice. And pay attention to the protection of the judicial rights of the parties.
【作者单位】: 四川大学法学院;


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