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发布时间:2019-03-28 18:57
【摘要】:在党的十八届三中全会精神指引下,完善我国刑事错案发现机制是当前法学领域研究的重要课题,也是新一轮司法改革的必然要求。目前的司法结构下,刑事错案的发现往往源于“真凶出现”或者“死者复活”这种极其偶然的因素。从司法实践情况来看,我国并没有形成成熟的刑事错案发现机制。错案发现工作长期以来面临现实困境,在效率和工作机制等方面存在诸多缺陷,导致现行机制运行不畅,实践效果差强人意,亟待加以改革和完善。因此,就我国刑事错案发现机制进行更深入的专项研究迫在眉睫。 本文通过对刑事错案的概念进行辨析,同时讨论有关刑事错案的界定标准与表现形式,进一步厘清刑事错案的认定问题。着重从我国刑事申诉、抗诉、涉法涉诉信访和媒体揭露等多个层面展开对我国现行刑事错案发现机制的反思,分析出该机制运行的症结所在。通过对域外地区民间团体和官方机构在错案发现问题上制度构建和实践运作研究,梳理域外刑事错案发现的救济经验,希望对完善我国刑事错案发现机制有所启示。在立足我国司法实践的基础上,为我国刑事错案发现机制解决部分提供具有可操作性的解决方案。在完善现有发现机制的基础上,有针对性地尝试新的制度和做法,以拓宽错案的发现渠道和途径,力求建立一种制度化、规范化、长效化以及科学化的刑事错案发现机制,使错案的发现从偶然走向必然。
[Abstract]:Under the guidance of the spirit of the third Plenary session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, perfecting the discovery mechanism of criminal error cases in our country is an important subject in the field of law research at present, and it is also the inevitable requirement of a new round of judicial reform. Under the current judicial structure, the discovery of criminal error cases is often due to "the presence of the real perpetrator" or "the resurrection of the dead", which is an extremely accidental factor. From the point of view of judicial practice, China has not formed a mature criminal error case discovery mechanism. There are many defects in efficiency and working mechanism for a long time, which lead to the poor operation of the current mechanism and the poor practical effect. It is urgent to reform and perfect it. Therefore, it is urgent to carry out a more in-depth research on the mechanism of criminal error detection in our country. This paper analyzes the concept of criminal error case, discusses the definition standard and manifestation of criminal error case, and further clarifies the identification of criminal error case. This paper focuses on the reflection on the current criminal error case discovery mechanism in our country from the aspects of criminal appeal, protest, legal-related complaint, letter and visit, and media disclosure, and analyzes the crux of the operation of this mechanism. Through the research on the system construction and practice operation of the civil organizations and official organizations in the extraterritorial areas on the problem of finding wrong cases, the author tries to sort out the relief experience of the discovery of criminal miscases outside the territory, and hopes to enlighten the improvement of the discovery mechanism of criminal error cases in our country. On the basis of the judicial practice of our country, this paper provides a feasible solution for the mechanism of finding criminal error cases in our country. On the basis of perfecting the existing discovery mechanism, we should try new systems and practices in order to widen the channels and ways of finding wrong cases, and strive to establish an institutionalized, standardized, long-term and scientific mechanism for discovering criminal miscases. Make the discovery of the wrong case from chance to necessity.


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