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发布时间:2019-04-15 14:19
[Abstract]:As far as the acquittal is concerned, the new Code of Criminal procedure has established that there is no principle for suspected offences. However, due to the culture of judicial concept, the pattern of judicial power, the psychological mood of the victim, and the construction of judicial capacity, and so on, There is still a certain gap between "there is law to abide by-there is no principle of suspect crime has been established" and "there is a certain gap between" there is a law must be abided by-can truly acquit a suspected crime case according to law ". In order to establish the presumption of innocence in the whole society, suspect crime is still a long way. Court trial is the last line of defense for the realization of legal fairness and justice in criminal procedure. In view of the frequent cases of wrongs and wrongs in criminal judicial practice and the practical problems of the difficulty of acquittal judgment in evidence, how to construct a scientific and reasonable adjudication mechanism of innocence is how to construct a scientific and reasonable adjudication mechanism of innocence. It is an urgent problem in our judicial practice to correctly grasp the non-existence of suspected crimes and ensure that the people's courts can carry out the verdict of innocence in accordance with the law. This paper first demonstrates the theoretical basis of the conviction of suspected innocence of evidence, and then explains the present situation of the verdict of doubt and innocence of evidence and the concept of litigation from the perspective of legislation, internal judicial organs, and litigation. The four aspects of judge's adjudicative ability are to analyze the reasons why it is difficult to make a suspect acquittal judgment of evidence and discuss all kinds of practical harm caused by the difficulty of making a suspect acquittal judgment of evidence. In the third part of this paper, the author also makes an investigation of the relevant provisions in the continental law system and the common law system concerning the verdict of suspected innocence of evidence, and tries to obtain some relevant references that can solve the practical problem of the difficulty of the verdict of doubt and innocence of evidence in the civil law system and the common law system. Finally, the author puts forward some ideas on how to construct a scientific and reasonable acquittal mechanism, hoping to contribute a little contribution to the reform and progress of the judicial system in the hope of promoting the reform and progress of the judicial system. At the same time, through the study of acquittal, it can also effectively combat crime and protect human rights, actively safeguard the credibility and authority of the judiciary, and ensure the harmony and stability of the society.


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