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发布时间:2019-04-19 10:49
[Abstract]:The pre-trial plea negotiation procedure is a new type of procedure established by France based on its own practice of criminal procedure and actively transplanted into the plea bargaining system of Anglo-American law countries. It has the fine management of the case and the formalization of the pre-trial plea procedure. There are many advantages such as specialization and strictness of supervision mechanism, but there are also some disadvantages, such as single judicial participation, passivation of procedure guidance and insufficient carrier of procedure promotion. Our country should actively learn from the practical experience of France's pre-trial plea negotiation procedure, and change from the judicial concept of criminal procedure to the renewal of the concept of criminal procedure. The integration and coordination of criminal procedure system and the transformation and upgrading of criminal justice model to construct a lenient system of confession and punishment with Chinese characteristics.
【作者单位】: 四川省人民检察院;四川省成都市青羊区人民检察院;


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