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发布时间:2019-05-22 09:05
【摘要】:“刑民交叉”是指一个法律事实同时侵犯刑事法律关系和民事法律关系的行为,而这种现象在经济犯罪案件中尤其常见,经济犯罪中的“刑民交叉”是司法实践中经常遇见且十分容易混淆的现象。可以说,刑民互涉案件司法处理已成为一个理论热点。对于此类刑民互涉案件,理论界意见不一,争议颇大;由于法律规定过于原则,缺乏操作性,由此造成实践中执法、司法部门和案件当事人理解上存在较大的差异,法律适用中冲突和矛盾不断,降低了办案效率,提高了办案成本,客观上影响了案件的公正处理。如何正确处理刑民互涉案件,实现打击犯罪与救济当事人之间的协调,是一个近年来我国司法实践的亟待解决的问题。 本文在2009年至2012年相关统计资料的基础上,深入分析侦办经济犯罪案件中遇到的刑民交叉案件及特点、对当前经济犯罪中的“先刑后民”处理模式进行探讨,并有针对性地提出对策。本文主要涉及以下四个方面的内容: 第一部分:经济犯罪案件“刑民交叉”及其引发的程序难题。着重阐明本文的研究对象、存在的难题和研究的意义,并对目前我国“刑民交叉”经济犯罪案件呈多发状态,随之引起的是程序上和实体上的诸多难题进行介绍。 第二部分:经济犯罪案件“先刑后民”处理模式的应用及其合理性。探讨了经济犯罪案件“先刑后民”模式的形成原因,,认为“先刑后民”模式的形成,既有传统刑民合一因素,也与重刑轻民的司法传统和刑法作为工具的传统思维有关系。同时,论文还对经济犯罪案件“先刑后民”处理模式存在的渊源、在当代司法中的地位以及对“先刑后民”模式体现的合理性进行探讨。 第三部分:经济犯罪案件“先刑后民”处理模式的法理反思。论文提出,在实践意义上而言,处理“刑民交叉”经济犯罪案件时,单纯采取“先刑后民”处理模式的司法缺陷,造成民事案件立案难、民事判决既判力受损、成为某些不法行为人利用的工具;在理论层面上,“先刑后民”处理模式也有以下理论缺陷:“先刑后民”处理模式缺乏法律根据,且隐含对私权的漠视和延续重刑轻民的传统思维,人为将刑民程序对立,有损公平与正义这一法律最高宗旨。 第四部分:经济犯罪案件程序处理模式的重构。首先比较了“刑民交叉”经济犯罪案件几种处理模式,指出要将现行的“先刑后民”模式限制在合理的范围内,同时应在实体上尽快建立“刑民交叉”经济犯罪案件类型化分选机制和在程序上公检法三家应尽快理顺“刑民交叉”经济犯罪案件的移送协调机制,从制度上完善“刑民交叉”经济犯罪案件相关民事和刑事部分的程序规定等。
[Abstract]:"cross-cutting of the people of the" refers to the fact that a legal fact violates the relationship of criminal law and civil law at the same time, and this phenomenon is especially common in economic crime cases. The "cross-cutting of the people of the" in economic crime is often found in the judicial practice and is very easy to be confused. It can be said that the judicial processing of the case of the criminal and the people has become a theoretical hot point. In the case of such cases, the opinions of the theoretical circles are different and the dispute is large; due to the too principle of the law and the lack of the operability, the law enforcement, the judiciary and the case parties understand that there is a great difference in the understanding of the law, the conflict and the contradiction in the application of the law, the improvement of the handling efficiency, the improvement of the cost of handling the case, and the objective influence on the public-right treatment of the case. How to deal with the case of the criminal and the people and realize the coordination between the crime and the relief parties is a problem to be solved urgently in the judicial practice in China in recent years. On the basis of the relevant statistics from 2009 to 2012, this paper, in-depth analysis of the cross-case and characteristics of the criminal in the economic crime of the investigation, discusses the "the post-execution of the people" processing model in the current economic crime, and puts forward some countermeasures. The article mainly deals with the following four aspects: The first part: The first part: The cross of the people of the economic crime and the procedural difficulties that have been raised. The research object, the problems and the significance of the research are given. The second part: The application of the "the post-execution of the people" of the "the post-execution of the people" of economic crime and its rationality. The reason of the "the post-execution of the people" of the "the post-execution of the people" pattern of economic crime is discussed. The formation of the "the post-execution of the people" pattern is considered as the factor of the combination of the traditional punishment and the traditional thought of the criminal law as a tool. In the third part, the author puts forward that, in the sense of practice, when dealing with the "economic crime cases", the article puts forward that, in the sense of practice, when dealing with the" economic crime cases", the "people" in the process of "the post-execution of the people" are only used to deal with the judicial defects of the mode, which causes the case of civil cases to be difficult, and the civil judgment is judged to be damaged and becomes a tool to be used by some wrongdoers. At the theoretical level, the "post-punishment" process model also has the following theoretical defects: the "people" treatment mode lacks the legal basis, and the traditional thinking of ignoring and continuing the severe punishment of the people is the opposite of the criminal procedure, which is detrimental to the fairness and justice. The fourth part: The reconstruction of the processing mode of the economic crime cases. The first part compares several treatment modes of the "cross-cutting of the people of the" economic crime cases, points out that the existing "the post-execution of the people" model is limited to a reasonable range, and the type of "cross-cutting of the people of the" economic crimes type sorting mechanism should be established as soon as possible, and the transfer coordination mechanism of the "cross-cutting of the people of the" economic crime cases should be straightened as soon as possible, and the related civil and punishment of the "cross-cutting of the people of the" economic crime cases should be improved from the system.


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