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发布时间:2019-06-10 09:29
[Abstract]:This paper intends to study the control of the criminal investigation right of the public security organ from the point of view of program control. The amendment of the Criminal Procedure Law in 2012 has strengthened the control of the investigation right of the public security organ through the perfection of the rule of the exclusion of the illegal evidence, but from the discussion of the academic circle and the judicial practice, In order to ensure the effective control of the benign operation of the investigation power, the basic right of the criminal suspect is still a problem to be solved in the criminal procedure. The "To push forward the reform of the litigation system centered on the trial" of the 18th CPC Central Committee of the Fourth Plenary Session of the Fourth Plenary Session of the Fourth Plenary Session of the Central Committee of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) put forward new requirements on the control of In the background of judicial reform, it is of practical significance to perfect the procedure control of the investigation right in our country. The program control of the investigation right means that the public security organ must be subject to the restriction and guarantee of the legal procedure and due process in the exercise of the investigation power. The contents of the investigation power of the public security organs of our country are extensive, but based on the necessity and feasibility of program control and the problems that arise in the judicial practice, this paper focuses on the right of filing, the right of interrogation, the right to search and the right of right of investigation. This paper is based on the judicial practice, through the investigation and visit to know the health of the investigation right of the public security organ, and on the premise of clear the current situation and the defect of the control of the investigation right, Based on the reasonable factors of the program control of the extraterritorial investigation, the author puts forward the concrete measures to improve the program control of the investigation right in China. In this paper, the author holds that the control of the investigation power has the theoretical basis of its existence. The force of the investigation power, the initiative and the unilateral nature, The essential attributes such as the expansivity and the inviolability and the secrecy decide that the operation must be regulated by the due process. Due to the principle of due process and the principle of mandatory investigation, it is required to use the mandatory investigative measures in the process of investigation to meet the physical requirements and the procedural requirements of the law. The control of the investigation right in our country should adhere to the following concepts: to guarantee the criminal suspect, The basic rights of the victims and the public are to guarantee the benign operation of the investigation right, to highlight the basic and original status of the investigation right, and to balance the power limit and the free cutting amount. In this paper, the status and practice of the control of the control of the investigation power are discussed and analyzed, and from the present legal provisions, the control program of the present investigation power is mainly based on the internal control. The examination and supervision of the procuratorial organ is the subsidiary, and the other control forms are the complementary program control mechanism. The internal control of the investigative organ and the supervision procedure of the procuratorial organ have a certain control effect and present a new characteristic. This paper analyzes the defects of the program control of the investigation power in China. Prosecutorial supervision is weak, and the procedural sanction is still defective. There are many defects in the control procedure of the specific authority of the investigation right, such as the examination of the right of the case and the random nature of the supervision procedure, the right of investigation and interrogation in the non-custodial state is not regulated, and the search right is in the form of approval. In this paper, the author puts forward some suggestions to improve the program control of the investigation right in our country. In this paper, we put forward the reform thought and the concrete improvement measures to perfect the control of the procedure of investigation in our country. The whole thinking is to accelerate the formation of the concept of justice and justice of the procedure, to build a procedure for the review of the proceedings, to establish a procedural sanction system and to strengthen the procedure of the investigation of the right of prosecution.


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