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发布时间:2019-06-19 04:31
[Abstract]:Filing registration is an important stage in the procedure of civil dispute resolution in our country. As the first line of defense for civil disputes to enter the judicial settlement, whether the registration procedure is set up scientifically or not is related to whether the exercise of citizens' right of action can be guaranteed and whether the substantive rights can be better realized. However, the system of filing and reviewing cases in our country for a long time has greatly restricted the exercise of the litigant's right of action, and the conditions for filing proceedings against the parties are too strict, which leads to the problem of "difficult prosecution" in judicial practice. Therefore, in the face of the current judicial reform, perfecting the unique filing procedure of our country is an important prerequisite for the reform. First of all, this paper makes a deep analysis of the theoretical discussion of the registration system. Since it was introduced into our country, the concept of case registration has experienced a long time of thinking, from theoretical exploration to program design has once become the focus of debate in the legal profession. As an advanced system, it contains the value of right of action and procedural value, and the theoretical basis behind it is the theoretical guarantee of implementation. Secondly, compare and draw lessons from the relevant procedures of the two legal countries. Although the specific procedures are different, the trend abroad is to reduce the standard of prosecution as much as possible and give the parties comprehensive relief. Based on the above mentioned theory of right of action and the theory of suitable parties, the practice of various countries embodies the essentials of convenient litigation. Although there is no concept of registration in the civil law system and there are provisions on the substantive elements, the protection of the right of action is also reflected in the filing stage. Thirdly, it analyzes the defects of the substantive review in the current filing stage of our country. For a long time, the filing review has been criticized by scholars, especially under improper operation, which has caused serious social problems. On the basis of analyzing these problems, we should think about the solutions under the registration system. Finally, this paper analyzes the advantages and challenges that case registration will face, and puts forward the idea of meeting certain conditions, that is, registering and filing a case in our country, in order to improve the beneficial role of the registration procedure and promote the optimal operation of the judicial procedure. This paper deeply studies the system of filing registration from theoretical perfection to judicial practice reform, from the present situation to the prospect of all aspects of the problem, combs the concept and value of filing registration, comprehensively and systematically expounds the background and procedure construction of the registration system, and analyzes the value of the registration system from its necessity and feasibility and the perfection of the procedure. It is hoped that the study of this paper will provide certain reference value for the filing system of our country.


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