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发布时间:2019-06-29 23:01
[Abstract]:The Administrative procedure Law of China, as amended in 2014, has established a system of collateral examination of normative documents. It can be divided into six sequential links, that is, review request, legitimacy review, not applicable, choose to apply, public comment, deal with suggestions. The mode of "not applicable" can be used to generalize the mode of collateral review, and the court can only "not apply" illegal normative documents and make suggestions to deal with them in individual cases, but it has no right to rescind them. Since the enacting authorities may not respond or even refuse to accept the court's handling recommendations, this will lead to the difficulty that the normative documents that the court finds illegal remain valid. Before the revision of the Administrative procedure Law of our country in 2014, the court can take the initiative to review the normative documents according to its functions and powers, but it adopts the mode of "choosing to apply" the superior law, and does not judge the normative documents in the part of adjudication reasons, so there is no problem of effectiveness. The collateral review of administrative reconsideration is also different from the collateral review in litigation. The reconsideration organ first suspends the examination of specific administrative acts, then transmits the normative documents to the competent organ for processing, and then resumes the reconsideration procedure after the processing results are available, so there is no need to face the difficult problem of effectiveness. In order to solve this problem, we should draw lessons from the experience of foreign judicial review, establish the case guidance system of normative documents, focus on the review, and increase the timely feedback links of the competent organs.
【作者单位】: 山东大学法学院;


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