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发布时间:2019-07-25 09:42
[Abstract]:At present, there are many problems in the execution of criminal delivery and its procuratorial supervision, such as the complexity of legal rules, the maneuverability of the rules, the large number of subjects, the overlap of functions, the poor exchange of information, the non-standard delivery and execution, the lack of procedural restriction mechanism, the weak quality of the team, the backward supervision methods, and so on. In this regard, we should unify legislation, establish a standardized legal system of criminal execution, expand the connotation and extension of criminal delivery and execution, unify execution institutions and delivery execution procedures, strengthen procuratorial supervision and clarify supervision responsibilities, innovate scientific and technological means, create "intelligent procuratorial", and improve the efficiency of criminal delivery and execution and its procuratorial supervision.
【作者单位】: 广西壮族自治区北海市人民检察院;广西壮族自治区北海市人民检察院研究室;北海市银海区人民检察院;


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