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发布时间:2019-08-05 15:47
[Abstract]:Through the statistics and analysis of the basic situation of the defendants in the judgments published by three different grass-roots courts in the east, middle and west from January 2013 to March 2014, it is found that criminal detention before and after the implementation of the new Criminal procedure Law is the coercive measure with the highest application rate of public security organs in the investigation stage. However, there are some differences in the applicable rate of criminal detention caused by the differences of handling methods and population structure of special types of cases by public security organs in different regions. In the same region, the applicable rate of criminal detention varies from case to case; five factors, such as the seriousness of the crime involved, the frequency of the occurrence of certain cases and the way in which such cases are dealt with by the operators, have an impact on the applicable rate of criminal detention; the function of criminal detention is weak, and the measures such as summons and subpoenas before criminal detention become the norm; obtaining relatively sufficient time for investigation and evidence collection is the main purpose of criminal detention. After criminal detention, arrest and bail pending trial are the main ways to change coercive measures. After the implementation of the new Criminal procedure Law, the phenomenon of prolonging the period of criminal detention is still prominent, but the time for criminal suspects to be deprived of their personal liberty due to criminal detention tends to shorten, and the rate of transfer of criminal detention has decreased, and the proportion of people awaiting trial on bail has relatively increased. These changes in the application of criminal detention show that the standardization of criminal law enforcement in public security organs in our country has achieved some positive results, and the procedural guarantee of personal freedom in the field of criminal justice has been substantially strengthened.
【作者单位】: 西南政法大学法学院;
【基金】:国家社科基金项目“中国地方性刑事司法规则研究”(项目编号:11BFX124)的阶段性成果 西南政法大学2013年度博士研究生科研创新计划项目(项目编号:2013XZYJS003)资助


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