[Abstract]:The core of democracy is elections, and the essence of elections is to exercise the right to vote equally. Chinese citizens also face many problems in the process of exercising the right to vote. It is necessary to constantly perfect the electoral system and standardize the electoral behavior to guarantee the equal exercise of the right to vote in the light of the specific conditions of our country. There are more than 16000 words in this paper, order theory, this theory, conclusion part. This theory is divided into three parts. In the first part, from combing the history of the development of the right to vote as the breakthrough point, through the expansion of the election subject and the change of the efficiency of the ballot, we can understand the connotation of the right to vote. This paper fully understands the meaning of universality and equality in the process of election, and explains the dialectical unity between the right to vote and the right to stand for election. In the practice of election, the right to vote is realized through the electoral system, and in the theoretical research, there are three viewpoints: the right to vote, the duty and the right and duty. By examining the history of voting right, analyzing the development of system and theory, we have a preliminary understanding of citizens' equal exercise of the right to vote. The second part analyzes the status quo of Chinese citizens exercising the right to vote, and summarizes three problems. The first is the right to nominate, the other is the lack of the right to vote for migrant workers and the difficulties they face in running in different places; the third is the difference in political participation between men and women. The third part is to put forward the countermeasures and suggestions to the above problems, including: reforming the nomination method of candidates from the procedure; further ensuring the scientific nature of the nomination procedure; and reforming the method of the standard of constituency demarcation to solve the problem of nominating right. In order to speed up the reform of the household registration system, scientifically demarcate the electoral district, and promote the participation of the population in the community activities, the election system in different places should be perfected. Changing ideas, strengthening women's consciousness of running for election, optimizing the external environment of women's participation in elections, improving women's own quality, and creating the necessary conditions for women's equal participation in elections from these three aspects. Finally, it is pointed out that the exercise of the right to vote on an equal footing is a process of gradual development and constant pursuit of democracy, and that democracy in China will certainly advance and improve in the course of gradual development. The article tries to use logic to reason and facts to speak. This paper combines the basic theory research of electoral law with the present situation of electoral system, and applies the research results and statistical data of sociology in order to put forward a reliable and reasonable demonstration.
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