发布时间:2018-01-16 03:17
本文关键词:不纯正不作为犯因果关系的司法认定 出处:《吉林大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 不纯正不作为犯 不作为 行为性 原因力 因果关系 司法认定
【摘要】:众所周知,作为与不作为是犯罪行为的两种最基本的形式,也是构成犯罪行为的基础。作为犯罪是最常见的犯罪形式,而不作为犯罪属于比较特殊的一种犯罪形式,它是与作为犯相比较来说的,指的是行为人有特定的义务去实施某种行为,并且能够履行但消极地不去履行这种义务,从而导致危害结果的行为。不作为犯罪又可以分为纯正不作为犯罪和不纯正不作为犯罪,纯正不作为犯罪是指法律明文规定只能以不作为形式实施的犯罪,而不纯正不作为犯罪是指既能以作为形式实施,又能以不作为形式实施的犯罪,可见,相对于纯正作为犯罪来说,不纯正不作为犯的犯罪形态更为复杂。我国传统的刑法理论中,关于纯正不作为犯罪的理论体系是较为完备的,但对于不纯正不作为犯罪来说,在刑法总则中没有任何原则性的规定,在分则中也看不到类似明确规定,因此对于不纯正不作为犯的理论构建就成为了我国刑法理论研究中的一个薄弱环节,尤其在目前我国刑法实践中,随着不纯正不作为犯罪案件的逐渐增多,对不纯正不作为犯的探究就显得尤为必要。 而在司法实践中,要想对不纯正不作为犯进行正确的定罪量刑,首先就要从不纯正不作为犯的因果关系入手,因为只有正确判断其因果关系,才能对行为人进行正确的定罪量刑。因此本文针对不纯正不作为犯的因果关系在司法上的认定进行研究。 除引言外,本文共分为四大部分: 第一部分介绍了关于不纯正不作为犯罪因果关系理论的相关争议,也就是目前国内外关于不纯正不作为犯因果关系研究的各种学说,均包括肯定说和否定说,笔者对这些学说一一进行介绍和评价,分析其正确之处和缺陷,在此基础上提出笔者自己的观点,认为不纯正不作为犯罪确实存在因果关系,并应将“作为义务违反说”和“防止可能说”二者结合起来进行判断。 第二部分笔者提出在研究不纯正不作为犯因果关系的时候,虽然应当将学界有关争议作为研究基础,但是又不应当仅仅局限在各种学说里面,而是应当突破它们去寻找新的路子和方法,从宏观上进行检讨,这样就引入了事实因果关系和法律因果关系两个层面。认为事实因果关系层面必须坚持唯物辩证法的基本观点,即不纯正不作为犯罪中不作为是客观存在的,不作为与结果之间的因果关系也是客观存在的;法律因果关系是对因果关系的价值判断,也是承担刑事责任的依据,笔者从不纯正不作为犯中的不作为构成法律上的“行为”和不作为存在法律上的原因力两个方面来进行研究。 第三部分在前面确定不纯正不作为犯存在因果关系的基础上,介绍不纯正不作为犯因果关系的特点,包括与作为义务的关联性、原因力的不特定性、依附性和隐形性。与作为义务的关联性,说的是构成不纯正不作为犯罪因果关系,必须将作为义务当成基础和前提;原因力的不特定性是说在因果关系的进程中,不作为与危害结果的因果链条是不平行的,这种不平行导致原因力的不特定性;依附性是说不作为犯罪中因果关系的出现,是依附于已经存在的某种因果关系之上的,并且依附性不等同于间接性;隐形性是说不作为在外观上表现为相对静止,但并不否定其客观存在性。 第四部分是本文的核心部分,阐述笔者对不纯正不作为犯因果关系在司法上的认定,这也是司法实践的需要。首先介绍刑法中认定因果关系的几种主要学说:条件说、原因说和相当因果关系说,其次阐述笔者的观点:不纯正不作为犯的因果关系认定,应当在认定存在事实因果关系的基础上再进行法律上的探讨,然后采取条件说,,即“无A则无B”;其在不纯正不作为犯因果关系的运用是,行为人具有特定的作为义务,并且有防止危害结果发生的可能性,那么才能认定为具有因果关系;最后针对不纯正不作为犯罪因果关系在个案中的具体判断提出了几点综合性意见。
[Abstract]:It is well known that as the most basic form of crime , it is also the basis of crime . As the crime is the most common form of crime , it is not a crime which is more complex than the crime . In the practice of judicial practice , it is necessary to make the correct conviction and punishment for the person who is not guilty of making the right conviction , because only the causal relationship is correctly judged , so that the actor can be convicted and convicted correctly . Therefore , this paper studies the determination of the causality in the administration of justice which is not as an offence . In addition to the introduction , this paper is divided into four parts : In the first part , the author introduces and evaluates the theory of non - substantiation which is not as the theory of the causal relationship of crime , which is the theory of not being a causal relationship of crime at home and abroad . The author makes a brief introduction and evaluation on these theories , analyses its correct position and defect , and puts forward the author ' s own opinion , and argues that the author does not exist as a crime indeed , and should judge the " as an obligation breach " and " prevent possible " . In the second part , the author puts forward that when the study is not pure and not as the basis for the study , it should not only be confined to various theories , but should break through them to find new ways and methods . The third part , on the basis of the fact that it is not pure and not as an offence , introduces the characteristics of not being a causal relationship , including the relevance of the obligation , the inspecific property , the dependence and the invisible nature of the cause . The fourth part is the core part of this paper , expounds the author ' s conclusion that it is not as a cause and effect relationship in the administration of justice , it is also the need of judicial practice . Firstly , the author introduces several main theories in the criminal law : the condition theory , the reason and the corresponding causal relationship , and then expounds the author ' s point of view that " No A is B " ;
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