发布时间:2018-01-16 04:20
本文关键词:事实婚姻视角下的重婚犯罪研究 出处:《云南大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:家庭是构建社会的基石,惟有家庭安宁,才有国家安康。然而,随着经济的快速增长以及人们思想观念意识的变化,蕴含有事实婚姻的重婚现象愈演愈烈,但与之相反的则是选择运用法律武器捍卫自己的配偶权的受害方以及被以重婚罪定罪量刑的被告者均屈指可数。例如近两年轰轰烈烈的反腐行动中大批各级党政官员相继被查处,曝光的除了一个个令人触目惊心的贪污受贿数额,还有之前党报党刊中甚少出现的词汇:“通奸”、“不正当男女关系”。笔者从中央纪委监察部网站查询的数据显示,自2012年底到2015年5月29日止这段期间内全国共有741名官员被移送司法机关或被组织调查,其中有148人被官方通报存在不正当男女关系,仅去年6、7两个月内就通报了七名落马官员涉及通奸。但迄今为止,司法实践中还没有一例官员因涉嫌重婚罪被起诉定罪量刑。一方面是社会上姘居、通奸、“包二奶”、“养小三”等现象愈演愈烈,打击呼声高涨,而另一方面司法实践中重婚罪适用率却极低,这是为什么呢?姘居、通奸、“包二奶”、“养小三”等现象该如何定性?是否构成重婚?对这些行为刑法是否应该进行规制?司法实践中重婚罪认定难、定罪难原因何在?如何破解?实践中事实婚姻与重婚罪的构成有何关系?这一系列问题,是本文论述的主要方向。 本文首先从婚姻、婚姻制度的概念入手,梳理事实婚姻的概念、特征和立法沿革及其带来的社会价值,分析实践过程中存在的问题、困难,并比较婚姻成立与婚姻生效的差异,以便为科学界定重婚罪打下基础。第二部分从事实婚姻的角度分析重婚罪的构成要件,立法演变及现状,在分析演变过程带来的社会价值的同时,对我国重婚罪认定困难的原因进行分析。第三部份在分析学界关于事实婚姻是否构成重婚罪的两种主流观点后得出笔者的看法,将重婚犯罪与无效婚姻、可撤销婚姻、非婚同居等相关行为进行罪与非罪界定,并结合案例对三大类型七种情形下的事实重婚行为是否构成重婚罪进行了逐一分析论证,得出“事实婚姻顺序在前或靠后对重婚罪的构成并无影响,只要两个及以上婚姻关系形成重叠,即可构成重婚罪”这一结论。最后通过对不同法系、不同国家的事实婚姻、重婚罪立法规定考察,针对我国现行立法的缺陷及弊端提出完善我国关于事实婚姻认定及重婚罪立法的建议。
[Abstract]:The family is the cornerstone of social construction, but the peace in the family, only the national well-being. However, with the rapid development of economy and the change of the ideas of the people awareness of the phenomenon of bigamy contains factual marriage intensified, but the opposite is the use of legal weapons to defend their spouse rights of the injured party and the defendant was convicted the crime of bigamy sentencing were numbered. For nearly two years with vigour and vitality's anti-corruption action large number of government officials at all levels have been investigated, in addition to the exposure of a shocking amount of corruption, and in newspapers and journals rarely appeared words: "adultery", "amour". The author from the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection Department the website data show that since the end of 2012 to May 29, 2015 this period a total of 741 officials were transferred to judicial organs or investigation by the organization Among them, 148 people have been officially informed of the existence of improper relationship between men and women, only two months of 6,7 last year was informed the seven sacked officials involved in adultery. But so far, there are no cases officials were prosecuted for alleged bigamy conviction and sentencing in judicial practice. One is social cohabitation, adultery, "kept woman.", "keep growing mistress" phenomenon, against the growing louder, but on the other hand, the practice of bigamy applicable rate is very low, this is why? "Cohabitation, adultery, package," a kept woman "mistress" phenomenon how qualitative? Whether constitute bigamy? The criminal law should be regulation? Judicial practice in the crime of bigamy difficult, where convicted difficult reason? How to crack? What is the relationship between the fact that a marriage and bigamy crime in practice? This is a series of problems, the main direction of this paper.
This paper from the concept of marriage, marriage system, combing the concept of de facto marriage, characteristics and legislative history and the social value, analyzing the problem in practice, difficulties, and compare the establishment of marriage and marriage differences, so as to lay the foundation for scientific definition of marriage. The second part from the Perspective of the crime of factual marriage the analysis of bigamy crime, legislative evolution and current situation of the evolution of the social value at the same time, the reason of difficulty of cognizance of bigamy crime in China were analyzed. The third part of the author's views on the analysis of two main academic point of view on the fact whether the marriage constitute bigamy, the crime of bigamy invalid marriage and revocable marriage, cohabitation, related behavior of crime and non crime definition, combined with the fact bigamy case of three types of seven cases constitute bigamy The crime was analyzed one by one, the "de facto marriage before or after the order by bigamy which has no effect, as long as more than two and the marriage form overlap, this conclusion can constitute the crime of bigamy". By the end of the different legal systems in different countries, de facto marriage legislation, bigamy investigation, for I China's current legislation defects and shortcomings and puts forward to perfect our legislation on factual marriage and bigamy.
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