发布时间:2018-01-19 18:23
本文关键词: 食品安全犯罪 构成要件 司法认定 立法完善 出处:《华东政法大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:“国以民为本,民以食为天,食以安为先。”食品安全无小事,食品安全是关乎每一个人切身利益的重大议题。近些年来相继曝光的瘦肉精、毒奶粉、毒豆芽、地沟油、病死猪肉等食品安全问题事件,不仅成为人们热议的焦点,也成为刑法理论界和司法实务界关注的重点。2011年2月25日通过的《中华人民共和国刑法修正案(八)》,对食品安全相关犯罪进行了重大修改和增补,2013年5月3日最高人民法院、最高人民检察院颁布了《关于办理危害食品安全刑事案件适用法律若干问题的解释》,明确了食品安全犯罪的定罪量刑标准,提出了相关罪名的司法认定标准,统一了新型疑难案件的法律适用意见,为在全社会形成预防和惩治食品安全犯罪创造了良好氛围。 本文试图从食品安全和食品安全犯罪的定义出发,在具体阐述食品安全犯罪的特征及所涉罪名的基础上对我国食品安全犯罪司法认定中的疑难问题进行详细分析,并通过介绍域外相关食品安全犯罪刑事规制的概况,为我国食品安全犯罪在司法中的适用和立法上的改进提供一定的理论支撑。 本文第一部分开篇对食品的概念进行法律层面上的界定,进而提出食品安全及食品安全犯罪的概念。运用比较研究的方法,对域外食品安全犯罪刑法规制进行介绍和评析,大陆法系国家选取在食品安全刑法规制方面具有代表性的挪威、意大利、日本、俄罗斯为主要介绍对象;英美法系国家选取美国、英国为介绍对象,在分别对以上国家食品安全犯罪相关立法进行介绍评析的基础上进行吸收借鉴,以期为我国食品安全犯罪立法的完善起到“他山之石”的作用。本部分详细介绍了我国食品安全犯罪刑法规制的发展轨迹,即从79刑法对食品安全具体规定的缺失到97刑法在分则中的明文规定;从《刑法修正案(八)》对食品安全犯罪的全面修改和增补,到“两高”对食品安全犯罪适用法律问题的最新解释。 本文第二部分介绍我国目前食品安全犯罪的特征及犯罪成因分析。本文创新视角,试图从犯罪现象学和犯罪构成要件两个角度分别阐述食品安全犯罪的现象特征及构成要件特征,而后从经济社会层面和法制层面分析我国食品安全犯罪的原因,以更具针对性的预防和制止食品安全犯罪。 本文第三部分是对食品安全犯罪司法认定的疑难问题分析,从食品安全犯罪的归类、行为认定及主体、主观方面四个层面上进行分析。本文认为食品安全犯罪属于经济犯罪,其主要客体是社会主义市场经济管理秩序,因而不需对现有食品安全犯罪在刑法分则中的具体布置做出调整;食品安全犯罪对象上,应对刑法上的食品作广义上的理解,即包括食品和食品添加剂;转基因食品包括食品和食品添加剂,该部分还对如何认定“不符合安全标准的食品”、“有毒、有害食品”加以分析;在食品安全犯罪具体行为上,本文认为“生产、销售”应理解为食品生产和食品经营活动,包括食品的加工、销售、运输、贮存的过程;“掺入”应理解为人为的积极行动,即把法律禁止使用的有毒、有害非食品原料加入生产、销售的食品中的行为。在主体方面本文认为食品安全犯罪中的“生产者”、“销售者”不仅指狭义的生产者和销售者,而应概括理解为生产经营者即应将加工者、运输者、贮存者纳入其中;在食品安全犯罪单位犯罪方面,无证经营的食品生产者或销售者可以作为食品安全犯罪的主体,但不能以单位犯罪对其进行定罪处罚。在主观方面,本文认为食品安全犯罪中生产销售不符合安全标准的食品罪及生产、销售有毒、有害食品罪只能是间接故意,食品监管渎职罪罪过形式为故意或者过失。 本文第四部分在前文对我国食品安全犯罪体系的系统介绍基础上,借鉴域外相关立法提出立法完善建议,建议合并刑法第143条生产、销售不符合安全标准的食品罪与第144条生产、销售有毒、有害食品罪;拆分刑法第408条之一的罪名,将“食品监管渎职罪”修改为“食品安全监管玩忽职守罪”、“食品安全监管滥用职权罪”;增加食品安全犯罪的过失犯罪“食品安全事故罪”。
[Abstract]:"The country people, hunger breeds discontentment, food to safety first". Food safety is no small matter, food safety is a major issue related to the interests of each individual. In recent years have exposed the clenbuterol, tainted milk, poison bean sprouts, drainage oil, food safety issues such as dead pork, not only become the focus of discussion,.2011 has become the focus of attention of criminal law theory and judicial practice in February 25th through the "People's Republic of China criminal law amendment (eight)", for crimes related to food safety has made significant modifications and additions, in May 3, 2013 the Supreme People's court, the Supreme People's Procuratorate issued "on the handling of several legal issues applicable to harm food safety criminal case explanation", specifies the criteria of conviction and sentencing of food safety crime, put forward related charges in the judicial cognizance standard, legal opinions on the application of unified model for difficult cases. It created a good atmosphere in the formation of crime prevention and punishment of food safety in the whole society.
This paper starts from the definition of food safety and food safety crime in detail, characteristics of food safety crime and the crimes on the basis of knotty problems on judicial identification of China's food safety crime in detail, and through the introduction of foreign related food safety crime criminal regulation, provides a theoretical support for the improvement of China's food safety crime in the judicial application and legislative.
To define the legal level of the first part of this paper starts with the introduction of the concept of food, and then put forward the concept of the crime of food safety and food safety. Using the method of comparative study, this paper introduces and analyzes the extraterritorial criminal law of Chinese food safety regulation, civil law countries representative in the food safety law in Norway, Italy, Japan Russia, to introduce the main object; common law countries select the United States, Britain to introduce the object, on the food safety crime above relevant national legislation to introduce absorbing analysis basis, in order to "outside the box" role in the improvement of Food Safety Crime legislation. This part introduces the development path the criminal law of our country food safety crime, the Regulations means the lack of criminal law on food safety from 79 to 97 in the specific provisions in the specific provisions of criminal law From the amendment of the criminal law (eight) to the comprehensive amendment and supplement to the crime of food safety, the latest interpretation of the legal issues applicable to the "two highs" on the application of food safety crimes.
The second part of this paper describes our current characteristics and causes of crime of food safety crime analysis. The innovation of this perspective, and the elements of crime phenomenon feature attempts from phenomenology and crime elements are described two aspects of food safety crime, and then analysis the reasons of food safety crime in our country from the economic social and legal level, to more targeted prevention and suppression of food safety crime.
The third part is the analysis of judicial problems of food safety crime, from the classification of food safety crime, cognizance and behavior subject, the subjective aspect of the four level of analysis. This paper argues that food safety crime belongs to economic crime, the main object is the socialist market economic order, which do not need to make adjustments to the specific the layout of existing food safety crime in the criminal law of food safety; the object of crime, criminal law to deal with the food on as understood in a broad sense, including food and food additives; genetically modified food including food and food additives, the part of how to identify "do not meet the safety standards of food", "poisonous and harmful food" to be analyzed; in the food safety crime specific behavior, this paper argues that "production and sales" should be understood as food production and food business activities, including food Processing, sales, transportation, storage process; "incorporation" should be understood as the active action of human, namely the law prohibiting the use of toxic and harmful non food raw materials to production, sales of food behavior. In the aspect of subject in this paper that the food safety crime in the "production", "sellers" not only refers to the narrow sense the producers and sellers, and should be understood as general production operators shall be processors, transport, storage are included in the food safety crime; unit crime, unlicensed food producers or sellers can be used as the main body of food safety crime, but not to the unit crime on the conviction and punishment. In the subjective aspect, this paper that crime and food production, food safety crime in the production and sales do not meet the safety standards of selling poisonous and harmful food crime can only be indirect intention, thefoodregulatorymalfeasance crime form Style is deliberate or negligent.
In the fourth part this paper introduces the system of system of food safety crime in China based on foreign legislation, put forward legislative suggestions, suggestions combined with Article 143rd of the criminal law and the crime of food production, 144th production, sales do not meet the safety standards of selling poisonous and harmful food crimes; resolution of article 408th of the criminal law of the charges, "thefoodregulatorymalfeasance" to "food safety supervision of dereliction of duty", "food safety supervision; the crime of breach of privilege" to increase food safety crime crime "food safety accident crime".
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1 魏秀春;;英国食品安全立法研究述评[J];井冈山大学学报(社会科学版);2011年02期