本文关键词: 食品药品安全 刑法修正 立法完善 出处:《大连海事大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:近年来,食品、药品安全案件屡屡出现、触目惊心,已经成为严重影响广大民众内心安定,危及社会稳定,损害政府公信力,阻碍社会可持续发展的重要因素之一。尽管我国出台了《中华人民共和国药品管理法》(以下简称为《药品管理法》)和《中华人民共和国食品安全法》(以下简称为《食品安全法》)进行规制,最高法、最高检也于2013年出台了《最高人民法院、最高人民检察院关于办理危害食品安全刑事案件适用法律若干问题的解释》,但目前来看,立法方面在此类犯罪的本质、社会危害性、相关行为类型等的认识不足并且缺乏立法技巧,因此在犯罪行为类型设置和法定刑的适当性方面都存在缺陷,与新的控管观念下出台的《食品安全法》无法适应。这就使得食品、药品安全的行政执法和刑事司法之间不仅存在法制层面的脱节,甚至一些具体规定存在逻辑上的矛盾。这些立法问题与其他方面的问题相结合,使刑事司法程序在食品、药品违法犯罪的控管中被架空,本应成为打击食品、药品安全犯罪最严厉手段的法律规定,几乎无法发挥社会所期待其本应发挥的效力。由于食品、药品的犯罪行为类型、责任人员类型、刑法处罚方面的特殊性,决定了须对现有刑法条文进行修补,完善相关罪名,有力打击此类犯罪,保障人民生活质量。 本文分为三个部分:第一部分是本文写作的背景,主要阐述危害食品、药品安全犯罪的现状及其特点;第二部分主要介绍我国在食品、药品安全犯罪方面的立法现状,重点说明我国关于危害食品、药品安全犯罪的立法存在不足;第三部分在前两部分的基础上对我国在食品、药品安全犯罪立法、司法方面的缺陷提出解决之道,为我国建立健全的食品、药品安全保障体系提出自己的想法和观点。
[Abstract]:In recent years, food and drug safety cases, repeated, shocking, has become a serious impact on the general public inner stability, endanger social stability and damage the credibility of the government, one of the important factors that hinder the sustainable development of the society. Although our country has issued "People's Republic of China Drug Administration Law" (hereinafter referred to as the "Drug Administration Law" and "People's Republic of China food) Safety Law (hereinafter referred to as the" food safety law ") regulation, the supreme law, the Supreme People's Procuratorate on 2013 issued a" Supreme People's court, the Supreme People's Procuratorate on the explanations of some issues of applicable law in criminal cases endanger food security, but the present situation, the legislation in the nature of crime, social harm lack of knowledge, behavior type and the lack of relevant legislation skills, so in the propriety of the crime and the legal punishment type settings have defects, The food safety law and control concept under the new introduction of the "can not adapt. This makes the food, not only from the legal level between the drug safety administrative law enforcement and criminal justice, and even some specific provisions exist logical contradiction. These legislative problems and other aspects of the combination of the Criminal Justice program in food drug crimes, control is overhead, this should be a law against the food and drug safety, the most severe crime means, almost unable to play the social expectation of the play effect. Because of the food, drug types of crime, responsibility type, special criminal punishment, shall be decided on the mend the existing provisions of the criminal law, perfecting related charges, to combat such crimes, protect the people's quality of life.
This paper is divided into three parts: the first part is the background of this writing, mainly expounds the present situation and features of crimes endanger food and drug safety; the second part mainly introduces the legislative status quo of China's food and drug safety, crime, focusing on China's food and drug safety hazards, criminal legislation deficiencies; in the third part based on the two parts of China's food and drug safety, crime legislation, defects in judicial aspects of the proposed solution, establish and improve the food in our country, put forward their own ideas and opinions on drug safety and security system.
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