本文选题:洗钱罪 切入点:原生本犯 出处:《河北法学》2017年04期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:The anti-money laundering legislation of our country began with the "decision on Drug Control" adopted by the standing Committee of the National people's Congress in 1990. Up to now, the anti-money laundering legal system has been initially formed, which basically meets the legislative requirements of the international conventions on anti-money laundering. However, the disputes surrounding the crime of money laundering have not been resolved. On the subject of the crime of money laundering, it has sufficient legal basis to exclude the original crime from the subject of the crime of money laundering, and to the extent, the original crime of the original crime should only be restricted to the carrying out of the crime. Not including abettor and aider. On the subjective elements of money laundering crime, indirect intention should not be excluded from the crime of money laundering, but in any case negligence cannot constitute the crime of money laundering; The debate on whether "knowing" includes "should know" in the crime of money laundering should end here; at present, the key problem in the judicial determination of "knowing" in the crime of money laundering should be how to find the concrete method and path to scientifically define "should know".
【作者单位】: 河南科技大学法学院;
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