本文选题:污染环境罪 切入点:过失犯 出处:《苏州大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Environmental pollution crime refers to the act of violating laws and regulations related to the prevention and control of environmental pollution and causing serious environmental pollution problems, which should be criminally punished in accordance with the law. The significance and current situation of the study, namely, the analysis of the problems in the process of carrying out the crime of pollution of the environment, In 1997, the Criminal Law of the people's Republic of China explicitly stipulated the "crime of major environmental pollution accidents", and in 2011, the Criminal Law Amendment (8) expanded the scope of pollution objects, the scope of pollutants, and the scope of criminalization. To amend it to "pollution of the environment"; in 2013, The two high schools published "explanation on some problems of applicable Law in dealing with Environmental pollution Criminal case", which clearly defined the standard of conviction and the aggravating circumstances of the result of the crime of pollution of the environment. Some studies have been done on the legislative process of the crime of pollution of the environment. The existing problems are analyzed. However, the judicial process of its implementation has not been highly concerned. This paper summarizes the current situation of the implementation of environmental pollution crime, and finds that the subjective elements of the crime are unclear, the objective elements are missing, the causality is difficult to prove, and the conviction and sentencing is applicable. The article makes a detailed analysis and combing of these problems, and combines the classical cases that have been completed, and puts forward the solutions one by one, including: defining the negligent crime and intentional crime, respectively. From resultant crime to dangerous crime, adjust the standard of causality proof, increase the penalty intensity of pluralism principle, and punish the joint crime fairly and reasonably.
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