本文选题:诈骗罪 切入点:财产损失 出处:《中国法学》2005年05期
[Abstract]:The crime of fraud is a property crime, if the deceptive act cannot cause property loss to others, it is not guilty of fraud; if the deceptive act has the risk of causing property loss, but does not cause real property loss, the fraud attempt is established.For the determination of the loss of "property", it is advisable to adopt the compromise theory based on the economic property theory; if the deceived person (victim) pays the property for unlawful reasons, there is property loss; if the victim deceives another person to release the illegal debt,And the use of deception to obtain their own property illegally possessed by the other party or the realization of legitimate claims, there is no property loss.For the determination of property "loss", the substantive individual property theory should be adopted; if the actor defrauds the property while providing considerable consideration, he shall be deemed to have caused the property loss, and the actor shall use the property for the purpose of delivering the property,Where the receiver of the property deceives and thereby acquires the property, the existence of the property is judged by the false determination of the legal interest relationship between the deceived and the deceived.
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