本文选题:组织卖淫罪 切入点:容留卖淫罪 出处:《华东政法大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:本文没有以传统犯罪构成作为研究路径,而是立足于司法实践中的判决,从实践中的判决文书反思理论的困境。以司法实务中的典型问题为眼,展开关于各罪界限的辨析。 文章的开篇从淫业犯罪的核心——卖淫说起,从“巫娼”到“官妓”,从一夜关闭所有妓院的“北京方式”到如今的“东莞模式”,这一行业的发展也投射了国家的变迁。新中国成立之初,国家即对卖淫嫖娼进行规制,,经过全国关闭妓院运动,无形中埋下这样的伏笔:社会主义国家和卖淫嫖娼是不兼容的。但是,随着改革开放,“一举禁娼成功”的客观条件发生根本变化。从最初组织卖淫罪的空白,到后来以组织卖淫罪为核心的淫业犯罪立法体系的建立,从《关于严禁卖淫嫖娼的决定》,到1992年两高发布的《解答》,淫业犯罪的规定略显零乱、陈旧。 文章的第二部分,主要围绕组织卖淫罪与容留卖淫罪的关系讨论。刑法对于这两个罪名都采取了简单罪状的方式,导致淫业犯罪两大核心罪名定义权的旁落。因为容留卖淫罪对场所的要求,所以在探究组织卖淫罪与容留卖淫罪时,只是针对有场所前提下的组织卖淫罪。在划定两罪界限时,需结合三个方面进行分析,其一,场所规模的大小;其二,涉案人员的数量;其三,管理制度的严密性。 文章的第三部分围绕着组织卖淫罪与协助组织卖淫罪的关系探析。由刑法第361条的规定可知,协助组织卖淫行为独立成罪是最高院在确定罪名时的一个“失误”。协助组织卖淫行为是组织卖淫罪的一种类型,并不应该独立成罪。协助组织卖淫行为的实质是组织卖淫罪的共犯。在关于协助组织卖淫罪的司法解释中,对协助角色进行了列举,比如保镖、打手、管账人等,却唯独没有说明组织卖淫活动中一个至关重要的角色——“妈咪”。此处的“妈咪”有一定的局限,她最大的职能是对卖淫人员的管理,如果她突破“妈咪”的权限,对整个组织卖淫活动进行控制,那么她的角色也已经发生了转变。 文章的第四部分就组织卖淫罪与强迫卖淫罪的关系进行阐述,同样是司法解释的存在,导致了两罪的争议。已经失效的92年《解答》定义组织卖淫罪为以招聘、雇佣、强迫、引诱、容留等手段,控制多人从事卖淫的行为。如此一来,强迫行为独立成罪的意义何在?其实,就组织卖淫而言,组织卖淫罪中手段行为可以评价强迫手段的暴力,而且不受暴力程度的限制。 文章第五部分针对五个加重情节中存在的问题一一论述。首先,第(二)项至第(五)项同样适用于组织卖淫罪,原因在于组织卖淫罪的手段包括暴力。其次,“强奸后迫使卖淫的”——强迫是出于迫使卖淫的目的,两者存在顺承关系。再次,“强迫不满十四周岁的幼女卖淫的”应当采取严格责任,既然行为人对自己在实施强迫、组织卖淫违法行为是明知的,那么就不需要对所有事实要素都明知。最后,司法实践在认定卖淫情节时,应放弃对卖淫次数事实认定的评价。 作为文章的结尾,是笔者对组织卖淫犯罪的一点设想。有老师曾说:“现在的学生太狂妄了,批了一顿立法者,再批一顿其他刑法学者,最后给点自己的所谓立法建议。想的和写的,都太简单了。”笔者虽想“复杂一点”,又深感能力有限,便只能谈谈自己在研究组织卖淫犯罪一年有余的一点设想。其一,将强迫卖淫罪从刑法第358条移出,废除协助组织卖淫罪。其二,降低组织卖淫罪法定刑设置,废除组织卖淫罪死刑。历史原因导致了“社会主义与卖淫嫖娼格格不入”的思想,但是卖淫嫖娼在现实社会大量存在并难以消除的情况也不可忽视。中国社会不可能废除关于淫业犯罪的立法规制,但是现有的可处死刑的法定刑显然也不科学。
[Abstract]:This article does not take the traditional crime constitution as the research path, but is based on the judicial practice judgment, from the practice judgment document to reflect the theory difficult position. Take the judicial practice typical question as the eye, launches the analysis about each crime boundary.
This paper starts from the core of prostitution crime, prostitution to start, from the "witch prostitution" to "who", from the night closed all brothels "Beijing mode" to the "Dongguan model", the development of this industry is also projected to state changes. The new Chinese was first established, namely the regulation of the country prostitution, after the closure of the brothel movement, virtually buried the foreshadowing: socialist countries and prostitution are incompatible. However, with the reform and opening up, the objective conditions of the prohibition of prostitution has successfully "changed from the initial blank. Prostitution crime organization, set up later to organized prostitution as the core the prostitution crime legislation system, from the prohibition of prostitution" decided >, < > to answer the 1992 high release of the provisions of prostitution crime slightly messy, old.
The second part of the article, mainly focus on the discussion of the relationship of crime and prostitution prostitution crime. Criminal law for the two charges have taken a simple description, resulting in prostitution crime two core accusation definition right sidelined. Because the crime of harboring prostitution of facilities, so on the crime of organizing prostitution and prostitution crime when only in places under the premise of the crime of organizing prostitution. In two designated crime limit, should be combined with the three aspects of analysis, first, the size of the place; second, number of people involved; thirdly, strict management system.
The third part of the article around on the relationship between the crime of organizing prostitution and assisting in the organization of prostitution. The provisions of article 361st of the criminal law shows that the independent crime of assisting in the organization of prostitution behavior of the Supreme People's court is a "mistake" in determining the charges. Assist in the organization of prostitution behavior is a type of organized prostitution, should not be independent the crime of assisting in the organization of prostitution behavior. The essence is the accomplice of the crime of organizing prostitution. On assisting the organization of prostitution crime judicial interpretation, to assist the role of the list, such as bodyguards, thugs, bookkeeper, but did not explain the organization sell a crucial role in prostitution, "mommy" here ". Mum has some limitations, her biggest function is to prostitution personnel management, if she breaks the" Mummy "permissions on the prostitution control, so her role has occurred The change.
The fourth part is the crime of organizing prostitution and forced prostitution relations were discussed, the same is the judicial interpretation of the existence, leading to two crimes controversy. 92 years have failed to answer < > define the crime of organizing prostitution in recruitment, employment, compulsion, seduce, shelter and other means of control, many people engaged in prostitution behavior so, where is the significance of compulsive behavior independent crime? In fact, is the organization of prostitution, prostitution means crime can evaluate coercion and violence, and is not affected by the level of violence.
In the fifth part of the five aggravating circumstances in the problems discussed. First, the (two) to (five) similarly applicable to the crime of organizing prostitution, the reason lies in the crime of organizing prostitution means including violence. Secondly, "rape forced prostitution, forced forced prostitution is on purpose there are the relationship. Once again," fourteen years of dissatisfaction forced prostitution of young girls should take strict liability, since they act on their own in the implementation of forced prostitution, illegal behavior is knowing, you don't need to have all the facts to know. Finally, the judicial practice in the identification of prostitution plot, should give up the number of facts. The evaluation of prostitution
As the end of the article, is the author of a little prostitution crime. The teacher said: "now the students are too arrogant, a legislator, and a group of other scholars, finally to the point of their so-called legislative proposals. Think and write, are too simple." although I think "more complex", but more limited capacity, some ideas will only talk about their research in the organization of prostitution crime more than a year. On the one hand, the forced prostitution from article 358th of the criminal law is removed, the abolition of assisting in the organization of prostitution. Second, reduce the crime of organizing prostitution legal punishment, the abolition of prostitution the death penalty for the crime. The historical causes of "socialism and prostitution misfits" thought, but in reality there are a lot of prostitution and difficult to eliminate the situation can not be ignored. China society may abolish the legislation on prostitution crime, but It is clear that the existing legal punishment for the death penalty is unscientific.
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