本文选题:寻衅滋事 + 犯罪地图 ; 参考:《中国人民公安大学学报(社会科学版)》2015年03期
[Abstract]:The phenomenon of crime is not uniformly distributed in geographical space and time, but shows obvious characteristics of space-time aggregation. The occurrence of crime is closely related to the spatial environment and geographical factors.The study on the map of 107 cases of provocation and disturbance in Xihu District of Hangzhou City in 2013 found that the spatial and temporal distribution of provocative and troublesome behaviors showed obvious aggregation characteristics, and the closer to the bar, the higher the probability of provoking and causing trouble.And the number of cases was negatively correlated with the distance between the location of the crime and the bar.The empirical study shows that drawing a map of the crime of provoking trouble can help to determine the inherent relationship between the geographical distribution of bars and the behavior of provoking trouble and to improve the scientific level of making such a crime control policy.In formulating police policies and allocating police resources, the police should, on the basis of the temporal and spatial distribution law of the occurrence of provocative and troublesome acts, monitor and analyze the crime hotspots, and change the space environment where the provocative and troublesome activities occur in a targeted way.To prevent and prevent the occurrence of crime.On the other hand, the police should focus on improving the level of comprehensive prevention and control of public order in the surrounding areas of bars, especially in the concentrated areas of bars, speeding up the construction of intelligent police stations, and improving the scientific nature and effectiveness of dealing with provocative and troublesome crimes.
【作者单位】: 浙江警察学院;绍兴市公安局;
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