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发布时间:2018-04-18 23:02

  本文选题:教师虐童 + 虐待行为 ; 参考:《安徽大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:从20世纪初开始,随着经济的发展、民权运动的兴起,儿童问题得到了前所未有的关注,关于儿童问题的相关研究活动也一直很活跃。我国自颁布了《未成年人保护法》以来,儿童保护的法律体系已经基本形成,儿童的生存权、教育权、健康权及发展权得到了有效的保障,儿童保护的状况也得到了很大的改善,然而在现实生活中,仍然存在着很多以暴力或者非暴力的手段伤害儿童的行为,这让我们清醒地的意识到儿童保护的形势仍然不容乐观。近一年以来,媒体曝光了大量的教师虐童事件,尤其是浙江温岭幼师虐童案件的曝光,使得目前正在运行的儿童保护机制陷入了尴尬的境地。浙江温岭虐童事件发生后,温岭警方只能牵强的以“寻衅滋事罪”来定性,并最终以不构成犯罪对涉案教师无罪释放,而当地教育局对涉案教师也只能以开除草草了事,这不得不让人们质疑目前针对教师虐童犯罪的儿童保护体系是否太过脆弱不堪。因此,如何针对教师虐童问题设计出合理的预防和干预机制显得尤为重要。 面对频发的虐童案件,学界都普遍把注意力放在了家庭出现的虐童行为,把焦点都放在了中国式家庭教育的缺陷,即使是有涉及到教师虐童的文章,要么就是从刑法学上探讨设立虐童罪有无必要,要么就是在探讨教师体罚与惩戒权的界限问题,很少会从其他的角度去思考为什么会出现教师虐童的行为,所以本文希望从犯罪学的角度去思考教师虐童犯罪产生的原因。在思考犯罪原因时,首先就会从我们所处的社会环境中找原因,因为人的违法犯罪总是在他不断融入社会的过程中滋长的,有什么样的社会环境,就会有什么样的违法犯罪形式。所以在思考教师虐童犯罪时,首先就会关注到社会环境的影响,尤其是文化的浸染作用。尊师重教是我国的传统美德,我国一直把教师放在一个崇高的地位上,老师对学生有着绝对的权威,管理方式的单一,给教师虐童行为提供了便利,同时现代社会文化的污浊和媒体的误导也让教师的行为失去了准则。而学校在保护学生安全上也负有最为重大的责任,但是目前学校管理中存在着很多不容忽视的问题,尤其是教育理念导向的错误给教师和学生都造成了恶劣的影响。在研究教师虐待儿童问题上,也不能忽视家庭的作用,尤其是家长对教师体罚行为的纵容给教师虐童行为频发雪上加霜。 要解决教师虐童犯罪问题,国家和政府必须承担责任的主体,要建立完善被虐儿童的保护体系,首要要做的就是修改和完善涉及到儿童保护的立法,同时也要对教师虐童案件的受理机构和主管机关进行设置。同时学校也要填补其管理的漏洞,改变教育理念,完善惩戒制度,而家长也要加强与儿童的沟通,提高儿童的防范意识。通过整合各方资源,建立家庭、学校、政府联防的网络,才能有效的遏制目前愈来愈严重的教师虐童现象。
[Abstract]:Since the beginning of the 20th century, with the development of economy and the rise of civil rights movement, the problem of children has been paid more and more attention.Since the promulgation of the Law on the Protection of minors in China, the legal system of child protection has been basically formed, and the rights of survival, education, health and development of children have been effectively protected.The situation of child protection has also been greatly improved, but in real life, there are still a lot of violence or non-violence to harm children, which makes us soberly aware that the situation of child protection is still not optimistic.Over the past year, the media has exposed a large number of incidents of child abuse by teachers, especially the case of child abuse in Wenling, Zhejiang Province, which makes the current child protection mechanism in operation into an awkward situation.After the child abuse incident in Wenling, Zhejiang Province, the Wenling police could only define it as "provocative and troublesome", and eventually acquitted the teacher involved in the case on the basis that it did not constitute a crime. The local education bureau could only dismiss the teacher involved in the case as a matter of carelessness.This raises questions about whether the current child protection system for child abuse by teachers is too fragile.Therefore, how to design a reasonable prevention and intervention mechanism is particularly important.In the face of frequent cases of child abuse, the academic community has generally focused on child abuse in families, focusing on the defects of family education in China, even if there are articles concerning child abuse by teachers.Either it is necessary to discuss whether it is necessary to establish the crime of child abuse from the perspective of criminal law, or the boundary between teachers' corporal punishment and the right to discipline is discussed, and it is rarely considered from other angles why there is the behavior of child abuse by teachers.Therefore, this paper hopes to think about the causes of child abuse by teachers from the perspective of criminology.When thinking about the causes of crime, we will first look for reasons from the social environment in which we live, because people's crimes and offences are always nurtured in the process of their continuous integration into society. What kind of social environment do they have?There will be what kind of illegal forms of crime.Therefore, when thinking about the crime of child abuse by teachers, we should first pay attention to the influence of social environment, especially the influence of culture.Respecting teachers and attaching importance to education are the traditional virtues of our country. Our country has always placed teachers in a lofty position. Teachers have absolute authority over students and have a single management style, which provides convenience for teachers to abuse children.At the same time, modern social culture and misguided media also make teachers' behavior lose their standards.The school also has the most important responsibility in protecting the safety of students, but there are many problems which can not be ignored in the school management at present, especially the error of the guidance of the educational idea has caused the bad influence to both the teacher and the student.In the study of teachers' abuse of children, the role of family can not be ignored, especially the parents' connivance of teachers' corporal punishment makes the frequent occurrence of teachers' child abuse worse.To solve the problem of child abuse by teachers, the state and the government must bear the responsibility of the main body, to establish and improve the child abuse protection system, the first thing to do is to modify and improve the legislation concerning child protection.At the same time, teachers should also accept cases of child abuse and the competent authorities to set up.At the same time, schools should also fill the loopholes of their management, change the educational concept, perfect the disciplinary system, and parents should also strengthen the communication with their children and improve their awareness of prevention.Through the integration of resources, the establishment of families, schools, government defense network, in order to effectively curb the current serious phenomenon of child abuse by teachers.


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