本文选题:社会组织 + 社会治理 ; 参考:《财会月刊》2017年19期
[Abstract]:As a subsystem of social governance, commercial bribery governance needs the synergy of many social governance subjects, especially the participation of professional social organizations such as accounting firms. The theory of network governance is the theoretical basis for accounting firms to participate in the governance of commercial bribery. From the perspective of laws, regulations and practices, this paper analyzes the realistic basis for accounting firms to participate in the governance of commercial bribery, and undertakes the functions of the government. This paper probes into the mechanism of accounting firms' participation in the governance of commercial bribery from the bridge ties between government and enterprises, the systematic integration of social governance networks and the exertion of audit functions. Based on these theoretical and practical basis, this paper constructs the system of accounting firms' participation in the governance of commercial bribery and the early warning system of commercial bribery, and probes into the role of accounting firms in the governance of commercial bribery.
【作者单位】: 江苏师范大学商学院;
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