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发布时间:2018-04-27 02:03

  本文选题:环境犯罪 + 环境刑法 ; 参考:《大连海事大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The protection of environmental resources is the fundamental requirement of human sustainable development. In recent years, China's criminal laws and regulations in the protection of natural resources are relatively comprehensive, but the details are not developed countries in detail. China has made great progress in civil affairs and administration which are closely related to the economic and social life of our country. The relevant laws in the criminal field are still lacking and inconvenient to operate. The construction of systematic and detailed environmental criminal laws and regulations that criminalize acts of damaging and polluting the environment is not only in line with social and economic progress, It is also a necessary choice for human beings to live in harmony with nature. In 1997, the Criminal Law of the people's Republic of China took environmental crime as an independent section. In 2011, the Criminal Law Amendment (VIII) revised the charges and constitution conditions of environmental crimes. It has promoted the progress of China's environmental criminal law. However, there are some deficiencies in the criminal provisions of environmental crime in China, including: the establishment of the idea of environmental criminal legislation, the scope of criminal law of environmental crime, the definition and discrimination of environmental crime, etc. This series of inadequacies hinder the punishment effect of environmental crime. Therefore, it is necessary to establish and perfect the criminal laws and regulations of environmental crime. The punishment of environmental crime is the last way for people to protect nature, and it will set up the last barrier to people's living environment in the future. The article firstly defines the concept of environmental crime, then comprehensively analyzes the existing situation of the law and legislation of environmental crime in our country, and expounds the ways of environmental criminal law in the typical countries of civil law system and common law system. Based on the analysis of the successful experience in environmental criminal law, and proceeding from the specific national conditions and actual situation of our country, we can find out the defects of the relevant laws and regulations on criminal matters related to environmental crimes in our country at present. In order to establish and improve China's environmental crime criminal laws and regulations to give some advice. That is to say, it is necessary to enhance the operability of environmental crime, to improve the legal penalty, to improve the concept of criminal legislation on environmental crime, to expand the scope of environmental criminal law protection, and to perfect the constitutive elements of environmental crime. Improve the allocation of penalties in environmental crimes in China.


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